It is stated in the Universal House of Justice statement which is an answer to the question of a Canadian Baha’i citizen and an advice to the Iranian followers of Baha’ism: “Regarding the increasing number of sites and the social media pages Judging about their writings’ correctness and untruth concerning the Baha’i religion is a complicated and challenging job for the Baha’i disciples and the truth seekers.[1]”
Eventually, the Baha’ism leadership has introduced some criteria for its followers to identify sites controlled by Baha’ism and prevented its followers to refer to sites controlling by non-Baha’is.
Nevertheless, how does the Baha’ism organization which is proud to invent the independent investigation of truth teaching[2] prevent its followers not to study non-Baha’i writings?! On the other hand, why is the Baha’ism organization afraid of the works rejecting it?!
[1] Darul Ensha of the Universal House of Justice, dated, February, 18, 2018.
[2] Refer to Eshraq Khawari, the kingdom of heaven message, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, Bita, p. 17.