It is said in Redhvan message:
“In the world where in its first years of third thousandth anniversary, the ominous shadow of war and aversion has encompassed the people of the world, once again the greatest feast of Redhvan has approached. A century and a half ago, the Excellency Bahaullah abolished war and holy war commandment and issued the commandment of peace and the oneness of humanity.[1]”
However, how is it possible to consider the claimant of prophethood as the bearer of peace and oneness while he has issued a commandment for his opponents to be encountered severely and roughly and be named “atheists”:[2]
انتم یا احباء الله کونوا سحاب الفضل لمن آمَنَ بالله و آیاتِهِ و عذابُ المحتوم لِمَنْ کَفَرَ باللهِ و اَمْرِه[3]
“O’ Baha’is, be the grace cloud for Baha’is and be the certain torture for rejecters and opponents.”
Yes, how can it possible to consider Hussein Ali as the bearer of peace and unity while according to his confession his emergence created an unprecedented aversion in the world.
[1] Narrated by the telegram network related to Baha’ism
[2] Refer to Fazel Mazandarani, Asrarul Athar, Bija, Bina, Bita, volume 4, p. 196.
[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the blessed tablets, Germany, edition, 1, 137 Badi’a, p. 216.