In brief, we held a meeting that night and Agha Mousa spoke and the meeting finished and the crowd left. Then I said: The Excellency Seyyed Mousa! Do you let me ask something? I said: A person asked Bahaullah about heaven and hell. Bahaullah answered back: heaven is visiting me and hell is your ominous soul, o’ atheist.[1] If it is so, everybody who hasn’t visited him won’t enter into heaven. Is it true? The nest issue is that: Is Bahaullah Imam? If it is true, imam doesn’t possess any book. If he is prophet, why had he said I was God??!!! I don’t understand.
He said: I’ll say you in solitude. At night, when everybody left, we both were in bedroom. Then, he said silently: Mr. Rahmani, do you think I believe in Bahaullah. I don’t assume Baha as Imam or prophet. Dear brother! This is the time of helplessness. I have studied the Baha’ism history. The fact is that the proselytizers and I are more literate than Bahaullah.
Mr. Rahmani, I will be a mad man if I leave the Quranic facts and the divine verses which direct humanity towards prosperity…