In his trip to the west, Abdul Baha has criticized the silence against violating human rights and he has also criticized the west’s selective attitude towards the human rights. As if, he just considers Baha’is as human beings!
Although the Baha’ism organization has misused even the slightest violation of human rights against its followers in the international assemblies, it has been always silent against violating of other human’s rights. Consequently, the leadership foundation of Baha’ism that introduces itself as the herald of oneness of human world and the universal peace justifies its silence and gives the teaching of not intervening in policy as its answer. While, the Baha’ism leader, Abdul Baha has already criticized being silent against violating the human rights and given a speech criticizing violating human rights and racism: “I really surprised when I observed that such strange excitement arose in the parliament; but nobody spoke when thousands of people are being killed in Terablos… what’s the reason for the excitement of Parliament for 25 people; but it’s silent for 6000 people. All of them are human beings. Because they aren’t French. It isn’t matter if they are killed and slaughtered! What an unfair situation.[1]”
The universal house of justice must be asked: Is making several criminal people free important or thousands of Muslims are being killed in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan?! How can the universal house of justice be silent against the crimes committed by the kid-killer Zionistic regime?! How can the UHJ introduce itself as the herald of general peace and oneness of human being?!