Confessed by the guest in Manoto network related to Baha’ism

Saturday, 29 September 2018 09:23 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The political analyst residing in London answered the announcer’s question about the broken economic conditions of Iran in the program “the news room” of Manoto Baha’i network: The current conditions aren’t quite good and I believe that we are attacked by economic terrorism attack like the American conditions on September, 11, 2002.

     Ali Ali Zadeh continued: After we signed the unclear contract, who asked for economic attack and economic terrorism against Iran? Reza Pahlavi and your television network created uproar and mental atmosphere concerning this issue that Khozastan water is transfered to Iraq and queered Iran and Iraq relationships

     The announcer of Manoto network asked the program expert about the sedition is Iran. Ali Zadeh answered: There are seditions all over the world. It is so in England where you and I live. There are many robberies. Of course, there is a government nation structure in Iran. This structure can solve the current problems.

     In other part of his remarks, Ali Zadeh spoke about the Iranian power and said: “We haven’t had such power during 400 years; but we have it now. You should observe that the Army of Reza Khan was collapsed when the English troops attacked the south of Iran and the Soviet Union entered into the country form the north. It collapsed during 24 hours. However, Iran could confront against all the world even England where you and I live in during eight-year war. However, it didn’t miss even a span of its land. Contrary to Pahlavi regime. It lost Bahrein. For the first time after Achaemenid period of time we have approached the Mediterranean Sea. The western countries say Bashar Asad must be fallen; but it hasn’t happened. During the next ten years, Iran will be included among the first 5 to 10 countries of the world.

     Ali Zadeh addressed the announcer of the program and said: Observe, where have we sat? Where do the financial resources of this network provide? Where? From Reza Pahlavi, the Saudi Arabia, Israel? Why don’t you make it clear?

     In other part of it speech, the expert answered a question regarding the Islamic leader of Iran’s statement regarding the American enmities defending the leader’s statements: Which leader says in the current situation that we don’t accept the American imposing conditions and don’t surrender? The enemy and terrorist have attacked us and we must stand against them. This is Mr. Khamenee’s position and he is right. He emphasized in the part related to women’s rights and said after the victory of Islamic revolution in 1357, women have known their positions and rights. For instance, Ms. Masih Ali Nejad who is present in your network must be said because of 1357 Islamic revolution you could exit your village in the north of Iran to come to city; otherwise, she should have worked on the field next to her father.

     Ali Alizadeh is the PhD. Student in Phylosophy course from the University of Middlesex who opposed the philosophy department of the country to be cancelled.

     As a political analyst he is participating on TV. Networks such as Manoto, BBC Farsi, Algeria and even Ofogh networks. This political analysts has been over and over attacked by the obstinate media.


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