Proselytizer: In our faith, each kind of bigotry in the religious issues has been considered as indecent.
Researcher: Well, why have all bigotries been forbidden and indecent in Baha’ism?!
Proselytizer: Because bigotry makes people be far from the reality. So, our leader, Abdul Baha has said: “The Magl says I am right, the Jewish says I am right, the Christian says I am right, the Buddhist says I am right. How is it possible for right to be recognized? So, the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist must quit bigotry in order for the reality to be recognized.[1]”
Researcher: Why your forged prophet has prevented his followers to have social intercourses with his opponents if being bigoted makes people be misled:
"لا تعشروا مع الذین هم کفروا بالله و آیاته ثم اجتنبوا عن مثل هؤلاء"
“Don’t have social intercourses with those who don’t believe in God and His signs (:non-Baha’is) and avoid the people like them.[2]”
Why has your leader considered his opponents’ logic as a deadly venom:
“Then, O’ those who are from my heaven, avoid the malicious people and abortive spirits and don’t have social intercourses with atheists and ignorant.[3]” Isn’t it bigotry?!
[1] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the heaven message, the electronic copy, p. 18.
[2] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 8, p. 39.
[3] Ibid.