However, in the deviant cult of Baha’ism Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani, the forged prophet o0f Baha’ism has announce all thing are clean and uncleanness is meaningless.
In the book “Aqdas” page 72, line, 9 and page 73, line 1, he writes:
"کذلک رفع الله حکم دون الطهاره عن کل الاشیاءِ و عن ملل اخری... قدانغست الاشیاء فی بحر الطهاره فی اول الرضوان"
“God removed the commandment, which is except for cleanliness, from all tings and other nations due to God’s mercies and all things have been plunged into cleanliness sea in the first day of the month Redhvan!”
Undoubtedly, the religion of Islam has prohibited everything which is harmful for the health physically and mentally. However, according to Baha’is since first of Ordidibehsht when Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri announced He whom God will manifest in Najibiyeh garden in Baqdad city, Iraq, all things are clean!
The book “Aqdas”, page 72, line 9
The book “Aqdas” page 73, line 1