It is said that most of these people were active in educational field. They were training music to children. However, the principals of the institute had employed them in spite of their religion. It is reported that not long ago, the elements of the deviant cult of Baha’ism delt with holding Halloween celebrations in Tehran, Karaj and Shiraz cities.[2]
The cultural and educational foundations of the country must be aware of this fact that one of the compulsory commandments of the deviant cult of Baha’ism is the compulsory proselytizing[3] and educating Baha’is and proselytizing in favor of the deviant cult of Baha’ism for the kids; as Abdul Baha has said in this experience that it has been tried hard to change the ethics; but it is impossible. If he/she is punished for a while, he/she will forget soon. So, it should be done since childhood because a branch should be strengthen when it is fresh.[4]”
Previously during the fulfillment of the educational document 2030, the Baha’is were participating in the form of the instructors of sexual trainings in Arak city.[5]
Unfortunately, the managers of the nursery schools don’t pay attention and let the Baha’i proselytizers free to do their jobs; specially, it is said in media that the managers of the nursery schools employ such instructors while thy are aware instructors’ beliefs.
Pay attention to the photos carefully. This teaching must be recorded in kids’ minds. Unfortunately, we are observing the deviant cult of Baha’ism thoughts influencing on the educational system of the country.
[1] Narrated by the news channel of the Baha’ism organization
[2] Narrated by the channel sighting the deviant and obstinate cults
[3] Muhammad Ali Feyzi, the epistle of proselytizing guidance, Tehran, the national institute of the faith press, 117 Badi’a, p. 61.
[4] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Kurdistan Al-Elmiyeh, 1910, Vol. 1, pp. 405-406.
[5] For more information refer to the document: “Sexual training to kids by the Baha’i instructor in Arak!”