Ezziyeh Khanom: Hussein Ali Nouri was suffering from Shaking palsy

Monday, 17 December 2018 09:12 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, Abdul Baha, has written in his book “Makatib”, Vol. 2, pp. 170-186 in a 17 page letter to his paternal aunt Ezziyeh Kahnom Nouri known as the paternal aunt tablet that he has expressed sorry for his paternal aunt for not obeying her brother, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri and not believing in him. He also complains his aunt very much. Ezziyeh Khanom, Abdul Baha’s paternal aunt has completely answered her nephew in an epistle called Tanbihunnaemin in 141 pages. In his letter to his paternal aunt, Abdul Baha has considered his father to have Messianic breath after a long introduction and has extremely criticized his paternal uncle Sobhi Azal whose offspring left him and joined Hussein Ali Nouri. He writes in the book “Makatib”, Vol. 2, p. 182, line 1: “How can the souls who are in need of educator, guard and helper to be the educator of the world?! How can a soul who needs creator to be the creator?! A patient can’t be a physician and a disable can’t be a wise physician… You should be fair to say how is it possible for a person who is disable to educate his/her offspring to educate a world? It this issue doubtful?”

     To answer Abdul Baha, Ezziyeh Khanom writes in the book “Tanbihunnaemin” [:The warning to the sleep], p. 65, line 8: I don’t criticize the hideous and immodest words because I am bored of them. However, I understood what you mean: A person who can’t educate his/her offspring can’t educate a world. First, the statements which are announced by the Almighty God by his friend: “من اعتدی علیکم فاعتدوا علیه بمثل ما اعتدی علیکم” I say because you were impolite: If there is a fault in a person, it will be necessary for him/her to remove the fault rather than his/her relatives.

     Mrs. Ezziyeh Nouri also revealed his brother’s physical illnesses such as shaking palsy and hernia. She said: If your father possessed the Messianic breath, why wouldn’t he cured himself? How could he cure people’s sickness while he was disable to cure people’s sickness while he was disable to cure himself? God’s manifestations shouldn’t be defective and deficient. No glowworm should find fault the sun and it isn’t merited for the mirage to criticize Water; because they became disgraced.

     He continues on page 65: You father was suffering from hernia continually and from shaking palsy up and down. He couldn’t cure both ailments. How could he cure the servents’ chronic diseases? طبیب یداوی الناس و هو علیل ! for many years, the Blessed Beauty was suffering from hernia and shaky palsy while it is proved that the messenger and prophet must be free from all defectives and defaults and must be the source of right and Allah’s signs.


The book “Makatib” written by Abdul Baha, Vol. 2, p. 182, line 1.


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The book “Tanbihunnaemin”, p. 65, line 8.


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