As we read in the statements by the forged prophet of Baha’ism:
"اُذکروا العِبادِ بالْخَیرِ وَ لا تذکرُوهم بالسُّوء و بما یتکدّر به انفسهم"
Remind slaves with kindness not with badness and what makes them annoyed.[1]
He has also said: “O’ Baha’is, you have been and are kindness easts and the sources of divine mercy. Don’t contaminate your tongue with cursing and don’t make people be upset.[2]”
Nevertheless, it is interesting to know that Mahmoud Zarqami (Abdul Baha’s author when he traveled to America) has written to indicate the contradictions in Abdul Baha’s speech: “After divine teachings and messages, Abdul Baha reminded philosophers with imprudence… At the time of lack of perfection, we should say cow is the greatest philosopher. This blessed statement and joking; that is, cow is the greatest philosopher caused many people around to laugh very much. After that some men and women came to take him by automobile. During the way, they accidentally saw a cattle. Women immediately said: Look at a group of philosophers escaping from automobile. At that moment, Abdul Baha burst in laugh![3]”
However, how can a divine leader violate sent commandments and teachings in his faith and insult and humiliate them instead of criticizing?!
[1] Hussein Ali Nouri, the highest pen works, Tehran: The national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, Vol. 1, tablet, 308
[2] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, p. 322.
[3]Mahmoud Zaqani, Badayul Athar, the electronic copy, Vol. 1, p. 178.