However, deviating the father’s words by the son is deceiving the public minds by the claimant of divine leadership in Baha’ism!
Q: Contrary to the null slogan of the equality between men and women in this cult, why has the forged prophet of Baha’ism allowed men to have two wives[1]?!
First, it should be said that getting married with more than a wife is forbidden for a man; as Abdul Baha has said:
"اعلمی انّ شریفه الله لا تجوز تعدّد الزّوجات لِانّها صرحت بالقناعه بواحده منها"
Lo! God’s religious haw hasn’t allowed bigamy. You should content yourself having a wife.[2]”
How has the Excellency Abdul Baha claimed that the Baha’i forged prophet Hussein Ali Nouri has forbidden bigamy while he hasn’t announced it banned. As we read in the book “Aqdas”:
"قد کتب الله علیکم ایّاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الانثیین و الذی اقتنع بواحده من الإماء استراحت نفسُهُ و نفسها"
“God has ordered not to be bigamy and if a person contents himself having a wife he has made his wife and himself relaxed.[3]”
Now, Abdul Baha claims:
"وَ شَرَطَ الزَّوجه الثّانیه باقسط و العداله بینهما فی جمیع المراتب و الاحوال"
“He has predicated being bigamy regulating justice in all dignities[4].”
Abdul Baha justifies so; while the forged prophet of Baha’ism has never said such condition and hasn’t spoken about justice, at all.
Abdul Baha has said:
"فامّا العدل و القسط بین الزّوجتین من المستحیل و الممتنعات و تعلیق هذا الامر بشی ءٍ ممتنعُ الوجود دلیل واضح علی عدم جواز بوجهٍ من الوجوه."
“Nevertheless, regulating justice between two wives is impossible and predicating such issue to an impossible one is an obvious reason for the lack of absolute allowance for it.[5]”
Researcher, Abdul Baha claims that regulating justice between two wives is impossible; but it isn’t clear that how he has claimed so, first. Second, how does an impossible action become suddenly possible for the forged prophet of Baha’ism to have not two but three wives?!!!
The Baha’i proselytizer: Because he has been infallible and it has been possible for him to regulate justice!
Researcher: claiming for being infallible isn’t effective in this case because an impossible issue can’t be fulfilled by chastity.
[1] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the book “Aqdas”, electronic copy, pp. 57-58, paragraph 63.
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the “Aqdas”, the electronic copy, pp. 160-167. (narrated by Abdul Baha)
[3] Hussein Ali Nouri , the electronic copy, pp. 57-58, paragraph 63.
[4] Hussein Ali Nouri, the “Aqdas”, the electronic copy, pp. 166-167. (narrated by Abdul Baha)
[5] Ibid.