Contrary to the method of the divine religions and his peaceable slogans, the leaders of the Baha’ism cult have always been praying for the tyrants of the world. From the thanksgiving tablet for the czar government by Hussein Ali Nouri to backing up the British army in occupying Palestine and to his successors who admired and praised the America criminals in their trips to America.
In one of his lectures (Nov. 1912) in Cincinnati city in Uhaio, the USA, he declared: “America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world. It emits light to all horizons. No country resembles America concerning freedom, prudence and goodwill. Other countries can’t establish general peace; but thank goodness, America is the friend of all the countries in the world. It is merited to establish peace internationally.”[1]
The second leader of Baha’ism has also promised: “However, it is certain that the American government and nation is neither not going to colonize nor expand their country and nor to attack to other nations.”[2]
Undoubtedly, such statement are stated either to deceive the American people and to provoke their sense of patriotism or to indicate Abdul Baha’s deep ignorance about his current problems and not having the divine knowledge. It is interesting to be known that in 1912 when Abdul Baha gave such speech, America was busy fighting against one of its neighbors in the southern America tyrannically; but contrary to Abdul Baha’s claim the war was done to plunder the nations’ wealth by the American capitalists not to create peace. As one of the American generals called Smedley Buther has described these wars as follows:
“I have spent thirty three years and four months for the military activities. During all these periods of time, I played role as a high ranking guard for the great commercial institutions such as Wall Street and banks. I helped Mexico and Tampico to be changed into a safe place for the American oil benefits in 1914. I hoped Haiti and Cuba to be suitable place for Bank city. I helped 6 countries of the Latin America to be violated for providing the benefits of Wall Street. I helped Nicaragua to be quite in service of the international bank of Brown brothers in 1902-1912. In 1916, I clarified the importance of Dominican Republic for the interests of American sugar industry. In 1903, I made Honduras as a favorable location for the American fruit companies. In 1927, I helped the standard oil company be active in China without any problem.[3]”
On the other side, Abdul Baha’s prediction about not attacking America to other countries was so exact and accurate that changed America into one of the wildest and the most belligerent countries in the world. Can a war be assumed in the present century that America doesn’t participate directly or indirectly? It has played role in hundred wars and coups across the world directly and indirectly. Yes, from occupying Haiti (1915-1934) and Dominican Republic (1916-1924) to World War I (1917-1918) and from World War II (1941-1945) to Vietnam, Bolivia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. All of these wars are the indications for the lack of Abdul Baha’s predication fulfilment!
However, how is it possible for America to be the pioneer of peace and friendship in the world according to Abdul Baha while it is the agent of wars and conflicts resulting in the massacre of millions of people all over the world?![4] How is it possible for a country violence in the world to be described by Abdul Baha as: “a country which is all countries’ friend and merited to establish the banner of brotherhood and international peace[5]?!” yes, the great symbols of peace of America with all countries of the world can be observed in World War II and Hiroshima and Nakasaki cities! All the world can observe how the noble America granted its atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nakasaki kids and women as gift for peace and friendship message and massacred hundreds of thousand people.
The Yemeni kids under the American weapons
Additionally, thousands of thousand other photos due to applying American weapons by an anti-humane coalition. Before 1397 S.H., Meritxell Relano the representative of UNISEF in Yemen announced speaking with Russia Today TV. Network that 1700 kids were killed and 3000 ones were injured due to Saudi coalition attacks to Yemen.
The Syria kids were massacred by the American leading to Syria
According to statistics by the Syria human right watch, nearly 19000 kids and 12000 women were murdered in the Syrian civil war. The report declares that more than 111000 Syrian civilians were killed iduring the wildest attacks by the groups supported by America.
Iraq and the direct leadings of America (9-year war and occupying in Iraq during the years between 2003-2011)
An investigation done by the United kingdom called “opinion Research” has estimated the number of Iraqi victims in Iraq war as one million people by 2008. Other reports from America and Europe such as Body Count mortality rates have been 87665 to 95687 people by 2008. This statistic announces that the numbers are different. 150,000 casualities have also mentioned.
The kid-killer regime of Israel is the pioneer:
Baha’is must answer: Can America be considered as a noble and peaceable nation based on Abdul Baha’s prediction?!!!
[1] J.E Esselment, Bahaullah and the new era, translated by RAhimi, Elahi, Soleymani, Brazil: Manshorat Darul Nashr Al-Bahaiyah, 1988, p. 271.
[2] Abbas Effendi, the Sermon, Germany, the national assembly of publishing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 127 Badia’, Vol. 2, p. 69
[3] Narrated by the site: https: llen., the beginning of the text: … I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and…
[4] J.E Esselement, Bahaullah and the new era, tarnslated by Rahimi, Ealhi and Soleymani, Brazil: Manshourat Darul Nashr Al-Bahaiyah, 1988, p. 271.
[5] Ibid