Baha’ism, a religious belief or a dangerous cult?

Saturday, 26 January 2019 07:49 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Anti-culture is a culture which is against the common culture of a community. The characteristics of anti-cultures are as follows: 1) Haven’t been formally recognized in the society, 2) is against the common culture of society, 3) is controlling and managing the minds of members by the leader or leaders in the pyramidal structure of power using attracting and keeping member techniques.[1]

     Mrs. Margaret Taylor Singer is one of the researchers who has posed the theory of brainwashing naming all groups and anti-cultures as cults. Anti-culture movements have been preached in the society in the form of so-called spiritual ones and can be dangerous for the subjects. To explain the cult, singer says: “Cult is indicating a group or organization whose members are following a special aim like any other association and party. Of course, these aims may be changed with the passage of time. Distinguishing an organization and an ordinary party isn’t an easy job… The cult leaders are trying to keep members unaware of cult harms and deviations and controlling the physical environments of people and their time and creating the sense of inability systematically and applying award and punishment system to educate and attract other and establishing a closed intellectual system in order to live longer using an absolute structure and brainwashing.”[2]

     Attracting of members:

     The Baha’ism cult has been established by leaders commanding people. The cult leaders assume high ranks for themselves and even introduce themselves as God. The other members of the cult must obey him/her without any questioning. The Baha’i leaders such as Ali Muhammad Shirazi, Hussein Ali Nouri, Abbas Effendi and Shoqi Effendi have ordered their followers to obey them. Today the 9-member cult universal center called the universal house of justice are infallible and nobody is allowed to act against their willing. If they order a person to die, he/she must die.

     Like other cults, the Baha’ism leaders are distinctly trying to deceive people and attract them. For instance, when Hussein Ali Nouri and Abbas Effendi were exiled to Akka located at Palestine, all people Muslims and Sunnis. The Baha’is leaders were praying like Muslims and pretending to be fast in lunar month of Ramadan to deceive people and attract them to Baha’ism.

     Like other cults, in Baha’ism cult, the technique of “love bombardment” is being used; that is, they are really kind with people to attract them to Baha’ism deviant cult. Human beings are eager to be behaved kindly. When s/he senses that s/he is living in a society having a remarkable position, s/he will be attracted

     The intellectual reconstruction is a technique being used by Baha’ism to attract people. According to Margaret Taylor Singer and other cult experts, cults are using the technique of reconstructing of mind and brainwashing to attract people and to deceive them. When the cult attracts people, it tries to cult his/her relationships with outside the cult.

     In Baha’ism, the technique of differentiation is used; that is, the members are inculcated that the mere way for prosperity is being with the cult. The Baha’is think they are superior to any other people in the world.

     The other characteristic of Baha’ism and other cults is educating spies. In all cults, people are being trained since childhood to inform the information of out the cult or even the members of the family’s one to each other. Eventually, the higher status official will be informed. The leader ask: what had happen in such and such day? How is such and such neighbour’s behavior?

     Persecution after leaving the Baha’ism cult:

     Baha’ism claims for the principle of independent investigation of truth; but when a person investigates the truth and figures out the null nature of Baha’ism, he/she is being threatened to be tortured by God. When a person decides to quit Baha’ism, he/she will be excommunicated, persecuted and kept away from his/her family members and relatives.

     The above-mentioned characteristics were of some parts of the Baha’ism organization’s behaviors with the members. Being a Baha’i means being a member of a cult which decides for the member how to live, to do and to act. Having this cult is dangerous and hard like terroristic organization such as Al-Qaedeh, Mojahedin Khalq, Taliban and etc.



[1] Khosrow Panah, Abdul Hussein, Anti-cultures, Qom, the cultural institute of Modern Islamic wisdom, Vol. 1, 1389, p. 41.

[2] Ibid, pp. 42-43.


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