“Our system of government is a religious one. On the other hand, the current situation is a religious one. That is, whether you like or not, the facilities for forming and entering semi-religious groups are open for our society. So, it can be said that the origin of the entrance and penetration of movements such as Osho, Satanism and newly emerged Gnosticism or the cults claiming Mahdism is in these backgrounds and situations. The people of our country have been always in love and waiting for the promised Mahdi; so such cults have been easily able to misuse the Shiite people’s spirits in order to penetrate into people’s beliefs using their ideas.”
We observe the superficial face of the community and feel it is calm; but when we observe the hidden layers of the society, we will observe that many incidents are happening. Basically, the nature of cults is that they are living in the fissures; that is, they are living and growing where we are absent and ignorant about their presence.
More accurately, a part of community in which there is a social, cultural, religious or economic fissure can be easily attacked by the cults and these fissures will impose themselves. These are the means and methods produced by the cult themselves intentionally to achieve their aims or we accidentally provide for them carelessly.
I order to understand the thesis, it should be said that living in fissure by the intellectual, semi-religious and semi-mystical sects aren’t related to the present period of time. Living in fissure can be basically found in the nature of such deviant tendencies.
A glance at the emergence and expansion of the Baha’ism cult influence indicates that the Colonialists emerged Babism cult with the requirement for dominance on Iran and also with people’s expectation for the emergence of savior. They tried several years to take out Ali Muhammad out of it. As a matter of fact, the Colonialists were searching for the making deep fissure in the united Shiism community of that time which was severely influenced by clergymen’s influences. Their aims era to weaken Shiism position among people and the lack of clergymen’s influences. Hussein Nouri continued this action in Baha’ism as Bab’s successor. Also, first and second Pahlavi were going to complete this plan. It can be possibly said that they advanced to some extent during Pahlavi government period of time; but the victory of the Islamic Revolution destroyed their plans.
It is certain that Babism and Baha’ism misused people’s beliefs in savior and poverty and economic problems at that period of time and emerged.