Did the Baha’i leaders disagree with war?!

Saturday, 02 February 2019 06:52 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Abdul Baha claims when Iran was fighting, the forged Baha’i prophet emerged and shouted the slogan of peace. However, the forged prophet of Baha’ism intrigued his followers against non-Baha’is and considered his mission as fighting against his opponents and has promised his followers to overcome the world and lands.

     The Baha’i proselytizers claim that their leaders were the pioneers of fighting against violence and tribal religious differences’ as Abdul Baha has said: “When Iran was fighting and when there were wars among religions and religions were enemies and avoided each other and considered each other impure, there were wars among governments and tribes and lands, the Excellency Bahaullah emerged and destroyed darkness.[1]

     Contrary to this claim first, the forged Baha’i prophet not only didn’t take any step towards establishing peace and friendship; he but also called his followers to war and violence against his opponents; and second, which war was existent in Iran at that time that ended with his emergence?!!!

     Rejecting the realities of the then community, the proselytizers confirm that the Excellency Bahaullah abolished the commandments of war and fighting against Islam: “There are the commandments of fighting against other religions in the holy Quran and the Bayan; but the book “Aqdas” has abolished these commandments because war is completely abolished and aggression has been totally forbidden even fighting against nations.[2]

     In should be said to answer the claim that before the forged prophet of Baha’ism the followers of Ali Muhammad Bab announced the abolishment of Islam in Badasht gathering; so regarding Baha’ism is the follower of Bab’s path, the book Aqdas can’t be considered as the abolisher of Islam and the holy Quran. Meanwhile, a person who claims for abolishing the book Bayan of Ali Muhammad Bab can’t consider his thoughts as continuation of Ali Muhammad Bab’s. On the other side, taking a look at the history of Islam which is forbidden for Baha’is, Baha’is should answer the following question: where was the holy prophet of Islam (P.H.) as interpreter of the holy Quran verses the pioneer of war?! All the wars in which the holy prophet (P.H.) and the commander of the faithful Ali (P.H.) participated were defensive and protective what should we do when a group attack to us?! Shouldn’t we protect ourselves?!

     The claimants pose: “Yes, our leaders have prevented us from defensive war and defending ourselves against enemies’ attacks and plans to fulfill peace and they have introduced surrendering against aggressors as the strategy for achieving peace.”[3]

     This attitude is too illogical and foolish that they themselves have confessed the invalidity of such thought; as Abdul Baha has said: “When a wild tribe attacks a society in order to kill everybody, in such case defense will be necessary.[4]” it seems the claimants never study their leaders’ claims.

     Baha’is must answer: How is it possible for a creed which attributes tendency towards peace and preventing from war to its leader has ordered its followers:

"کُنْ کَشُعْلَهِ النّارِ لِاَعْدائِی وَ کَوْثَر البَقاء لِاَحبّائی"

     “Be the fire flame for my enemies and the living abundance for my friends.”[5]

     Or in another situation where he has intrigued his followers against non-Baha’is:

"انتم یا احباءِ الله کونوا سحاب الفضل لمن آمن بالله و بآیاته و عذاب المحتوم لمن کفر بالله..."

     “O’ God’s friends, be merit cloud for the one who has believed in God and His signs and be the certain torture for the one who is atheist.”[6]

     Can a person who has introduced his satanic mission philosophy as fighting against his opponents be the proclaimer of peace:

"قد جعله الله نوراً للموحدین و ناراً للمشرکین"

     “God has appointed him (that is Bahaullah) as a light for the monotheists (Baha’is) and fire for the atheists (the rejectors of Baha’ism).”[7]

     Or can a person who is dreaming imperialism be the herald of peace:

"فسوف یخرج الله من اکمام القدره ایادی القوه و الغلبه و ینصرنّ  الغلام و یطّهرنّ الارض عن دنس کل مشرک..."

     “Then soon, God will take the strength and dominance hands out of the strength sleeve. Then, He will help the slave (the forged prophet of Baha’ism and cleanse atheism (the deniers of Baha’ism). They will rise with this faith and overcome the lands by my eternal and powerful name and enter in to the lands and all slaves of God will be afraid of them.”[8]

     How can the forged prophet of Baha’ism be considered as the opponent of war while his case is full of violence, tyranny, war, massacre, crime and bloodshed?! Isn’t the punishment committee established by the Baha’is to assassinate the political and religious people?! Why was the Excellency forged prophet of Baha’ism exiled to Baqdad city?! During the contemporary century, weren’t a Muslim family massacred by the Baha’ism ordered by the Baha’ism organization in Abarqou city?! Didn’t Baha’ism meddle with policy during the second Pahlavi regime to torture the helpless Muslim people of Iran?! Of course, yes.




[1] Ishraq Khawari, the message of heaven, India, Bina, 1986, p. 72.

[2] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, chapter 36, p. 272.

[3] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: attempted by Farajullah Zaki Al-Kurdi, 1921, 1st edition, Vol. 3, p. 123-124

[4] J. Esselement, Bahaullah and the new era; translated by: Rahimi, Elahi and Soleymani, Brazil: The published in the publishing house of Baha’ism in Brazil, 1988, p. 193.

[5] Hussein Ali Nouri, the prayers of the Blessed Excellency, Egypt, Bina, 1339 A.H., p. 196.

[6] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed tablets, published in Egypt, Sa’adat publishing house, 1920, p. 216.

[7] Hussein Ali Nouri, the highest pen works, vol. 2, tablet No. 74, p. 372.

[8] Hussein Ali Nouri, the highest pen works, vol. 2, tablet No. 90.


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