If we accept this view of the Baha’ism proselytizers we should ask them: “Then, why has the Baha’ism prophet claimant introduced himself as the last prophet?!”
They will definitely answer that the Excellency Bahaullah hasn’t considered himself as prophet of Baha’ism and has promised the emergence of a prophet 1000 years later:
"مَنْ یدّعی امراً قَبْلَ اِتْمامَ الفَ سِنَهٍ کامِلَهٍ اِنَّهُ کذّابٌ مُفترٍ"
“A person who claims for a new faith before ending complete one thousand years, he will be tiar.[2]”
Answer: First, the Excellency Abdul Baha has interpreted his fathers’ statement as follows” One thousand years means 365 million years.[3] Second, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has introduced himself as he last prophet:
"وَ نَفْسِی الحق قد اِنتَهَت الظُهُورات الی هذا الظُهُور الاعْظَم و مَنْ یَدعی بَعْدَهُ اِنَّهُ کَذّاب مفتر"
“I swear by my true soul, all emergences ended in the greater one. After this emergence, everybody who claims for the new one, he/she will be liar.[4]”
Consequently, this is a kind of contradiction and demagogy!
[1] Stanwood cub, tranquility for the chaotic world, translated by: Jamshid Fanaiyan, the institute for publishing Mera’t, 1994, p. 86.
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, paragraph 37, PP: 33-34
[3] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, Rahiq Makhtoum, Bija: Bina: Bita, Vol. 1, PP. 320-321.
[4] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Tablets (Eqtedarat and several other ones), the electronic copy, p. 327.