“The electronic letter dated October, 11, 2009 of the dear brother has been received which is regarding the Baha’i rule concerning getting married with relatives. It is ordered to be answered as follows. The universal house of justice has clearly stated that a Baha’i isn’t allowed to get married with his/her father and mother and with their sister and brother and ancestors and with his/her brother and sister and their offspring and their offspring’s sons and daughters and with his/her son and daughter and their kids. Also, Baha’is aren’t allowed to get married with step-mother, stem-father, step-daughter and step-son or bride, groom, mother-in-law and father-in-law in both bride and groom’s sides. In addition to such prohibitions, Baha’is must be careful not to get married against the customs and rules of the country in which they live. Although at the present time, the universal house of justice has prevented to announce other relatives with whom getting married is forbidden; but it is important for the dear disciples living in all parts of the world to pay attention to this clear statement by the Excellency Abdul Baha who says: In marriage, the father, the more agreeable.[1]”
However, before publishing this message, the commandment of the Aqdas written by the forged prophet of Baha’ism was the mere allowance for the Baha’is to get married with those whom marriage was prohibited that is that commandment had prevented Baha’i not to get married with just father’s wife.[2] However,, this doubt became stronger when Abdul Baha posed a principle and removed this problem’s ambiguities very much: “The lack of mentioning in the divine tablets means allowance because what is prohibited is being figured out by the main texts.[3]”
Nevertheless, the forged prophet of Baha’ism who was as if under the pressures of the general minds, didn’t issued and explicit commandment regarding getting married with those whom marriage was prohibited and eventually he referred the commandment to the universal house of justice: “All issues regarding getting married with the intimates is being referred to the universal house of justice.[4]”
After challenges, the universal house of justice assigned making decision about getting married with the intimates to Baha’is: “Getting married with the intimates has been taken over by the Baha’is themselves; so it isn’t advisable for the universal house of justice to issue complementary rules regarding getting married with the intimates.[5]”
The main questions are as follows:
- Why was the forged prophet of Baha’ism silent about issuing commandment regarding getting married with the intimates?! In some cases he has considered it allowable! Why have the Baha’i proselytizers justified the allowance of getting married with the intimates so far?! What has happen that at first getting married the intimates was allowable but now it is forbidden?! Is the new commandment due to the pressures of the public minds?!
[1] Darul Ensha of the universal house of justice: The national spiritual assembly of Canada, translated from a letter of Darrul Ensha of the universal house of justice addressing of the disciples, dated January 15, 2010 A.D.
[2] "قَد حَرَّمتِ علیکُم اَزواجَ آبائکُم انا نَستَحیی اَن نَذکُر حُکم الغِلمان"
“Your fathers’ wives are illegitimate for you and we get ashamed to mention son’s commandment (Homosexuality)”: Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 104, paragraph: 107.
[3] Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 42.
[4] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 194.
[5] Helen Baset Hornby, The guidance lights, p. 488, No: 1289.