The Baha’i proselytizers believe that the divine religion of Islam has been abolished because its teachings and verdicts are old; but they introduce the commandments and teachings of the forged prophet of Baha’ism as solver of the problems and needs of the humane society. To praise his father’s teachings, Abdul Baha has said: “God’s voice was raised… the wise people were surprised. They said: who is this star? A person was astonished. The other was searching. One was giving reason. All people were saying: The Excellency Bahaullah’s teachings are unique, as a matter of fact. He is the spirit of this era and the light of this century.[1]”
However, one of the commandments of the forged prophet of Baha’ism is his commandment in the book Aqdas concerning cleanliness; as we read:
"قد متب علیکم تقلیم الاظفار و الدخول فی مائ یحیط هیاکلکم فی کل الاسبوع و تنظیف ابدانکم بما استعملتموه من قبل، ایکم ان یمنعکم الغفله عما امرتم به من لدن عزیز عظیم. ادخلوا ماء بکراً و المستعمل منه لایجوز الدخول فیه ایاکم ان تقربوا حماماه العجم من قصدها وجد راءحتها المنته قبل ورود فیها..."
“It is predetermined to cut your nails and to enter into water which spans your bodies each week and to clean your bodies applied before. Don’t ignore what is ordered to you by the honored and great. Enter into originate water and you aren’t allowed to enter into used one. Don’t approach the Persian baths intentionally where they are putretied before entering.[2]”
Consequently, according to this verdict of the Excellency Baha stated with difficulty, the Baha’is are responsible to enter into unused water which spans their bodies; while all Baha’is can’t act based on their leader because if we suppose each Baha’i family as five-member one, they will need 10 cube meters unused water to take a bath which is expensive for them. Additionally, it needs much fuel to be warmed. So, the Baha’is are obliged to disobey their god’s verdict.
The holy prophet of Islam was continually advising Muslims to cleanliness; but he prevented Muslims to lavish. Consequently, the holy Quran is introducing those who lavish as the evil’s brothers:
" إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ" [اسراء/27]
“Lo! The squanderers were ever brothers of the devils, and the devil was ever an ingrate to his lord.”
Undoubtedly, the Excellency Muhammad (P.H.) has considered water for performing ablutions as 750 grams and 3 liters as enough:
"اَلْوُضُوءُ مُدُّ وَ الْغُسْلُ صَاعٌ وَ سَیَاتیِ اَقْوامٌ بَعْدی یَسْتَقِلُّونَ ذلِکَ فَاُولئِکَ عَلی خَلافِ سُنَّتیِ..."
Ablution must be performed by 750 grams and ceremonial water must be performed by 3 liters. Soon, Muslims will come and consider it as little. They will perform against my method and tradition.[3]”
[1] Refer to Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany: the national assembly of the faith works, Bita, Vol. 3, p. 87.
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, pp. 102-103, paragraph 106.
[3] Feyz Kashani, Al-Vafi, Isfahan: The commander of the faithful, Ali (P.H.) library, 1406 A.H., Vol. 6, p. 313.