The Baha’is claim for accepting the principle of the oneness of human kind. The fact that the body of a humane community is a related one with harmony… its pains and sufferings will influence on everybody… Additionally, the purpose of justice is creating unity among people…
What is the relationship between the mentioned justice in Baha’ism and the Colonial government of America, the kid-killer regime of Zionism and the evangelical Christianity?
Is the general peace or joined totally accessible existing such crimes?
The photos will judge about this belief:
The owner of the universal house of justice committed, is committing and will commit crimes in order to achieve its goals!!!
This map has been changing because of such crimes.
Don’t the Palestine residents belong to people on the earth? How have general peace and Israeli human rights behave with them?
What had happened in Yemen? Simply stated, people liked not to stand dictatorship. It happened; but America and its backbenchers in the region couldn’t tolerate people’s desire. The Arabic coalition was formed led by the kid killer regime of the Saudi Arabia and attacked women, kids and substructures of Yemen violently. Ammunitions were prepared by America and several European countries and mass massacre and crimes against humanity were being done by the Saudi Arabia and small countries of the region. There wasn’t humanity in Yemen, anymore. Meantime, the Baha’ism organization was going to save several Baha’is in Yemen instead of denouncing operations against civilians.
The Baha’ism organization was worried about several Baha’is in Yemen without paying attention to the coalition crimes.
Where are those who are claiming for the principle of general peace?!
Baha’i ladies and gentlemen, here is Yemen and these people are human beings and tranquility is their wish.
This photo is repeatedly occurring everyday in the oppressed land of Yemen. Where are the claimants of general peace?!
Baha’i ladies and gentlemen, have you ever seen the genocide of Muslims in Myanmar? Have you ever seen the massacre done by ISIS supported by America and Israel and European statement in Iraq and Syria. The crimes committed by ISIS army and terroristic army of America was too disturbing that the ISIS lords can’t tolerate, anymore. Open your ears and eyes. These crimes have been done by those who are claiming for peace.
Hamed Mahmoudi, 1398