" ان الحریة تنتهی عواقبها الی الفتنة الّتی لا تحمد نارها؛ فاعلموا انّ مطالع الحریة و مظاهرها هی الحیوان و للانسان ینبغی ان یکون تحت سنن تحفظة عن جهل نفسه و ضر الماکرین؛ ان الحریة تخرج الانسان عن شئون الادب و الوقار و تجعله من الارذلین"
"Surely, the consequences of freedom will end in sedition and riot which aren't quieted; Know that the manifestations of freedom is animal and it is merited for the human being to follow the traditions to save him/her from astray and to hurt the deceitful. Definitely, freedom will expel human being out of politeness and self- possession position and will consider him/ her as the ignoble person.[1]
Nevertheless, the forged prophet of Baha'ism has introduced obeying his orders as the evidence of the real freedom:
" قل الحریة فی اتباع اوامری لو انتم من العارفین، لو تبع الناس ما ترلنالهم من سماء الوحی لتجدن انقسهم فی حریة بحته طوبی لمن عرف مراد الله فیها نزل من سماء مشیة المهیمنة علی العالمین"
"Tell, obeying my orders is freedom. If you are of the gnostic, if people obey, what has been sent by us for them from the inspiration heaven will be the mere freedom. Lucky the one who knew God's intention.[2]
Yes, the mere freedom is obeying Baha's commandments because; for instance, a person who pays nine methqal gold to the universal house of justice can slake every woman or girl that he likes freely:
" قد حَکَم الله لِکُلِّ زانٍ و زانیةٍ دیةً مُسَلَّمةً اِلی بیت العدل و هِیَ تِسعَةُ مثاقیل مِنَ الذَّهَب"
"God has judged for each adulter or adultess to pay nine methqal gold to the universal house of justice.[3]
" قد حُرِّمَت عَلیکُم ازواجَ آبائِکُم انا نَستَحیی اَن نذکُر حُکم الغلمان"
“It is illegitimate for you to get married with your father's wives and we are ashamed to mention the commandment for homosexuality.[4]” Generally speaking, the Baha'ism leaders have made their followers relaxed to do each kind of sedition and promiscuity without fear and torture by lack of determining punishment for most seditions and denying the day of judgment.[5]
The Excellency Baha considers obeying the rulers as necessary for the sake of the divine blessing:
“The Almighty God has bestowed the superficial government to the kings. Nobody is allowed to disagree with them.[6]”
Consequently, Baha'ism has assumed freedom merely as brutal laxity nowadays like before. Additionally, it disagrees love of freedom which means fighting against tyranny!