Because Hussein Ali Nouri, the forged prophet of Baha'is knew that one of the privileges of the divine prophets is their prevention from sins, he assumed a chastity rank for himself like other divine prophets; so that everything he was saying, his followers were obeying without any opposition.
Ishraqat book, page 58, line 4
In the book Ishraqat, page 58, line 4, Hussein Ali Nouri says in this regard:
" و اما العصمة الکبری لمن کان مقامه مقدساً عن الاوامر و النواهی و منزهاً عن الخطا و النسیان انه نور لا تعقبه الظلمة لا یعتریه الخطا لو یحکم علی الماء حکم الخمرو علی السماء حکم الارض و علی النور حکم النارحق لاریب فیه و لیس لاحدٍ ان یعترض علیه او یقول لم و بم"
"However, the major chastity is for the one whose rank is holy from each kind of orders and prohibitions and the one who is away from each sort of error and sin. He is the light after which no darkness follow and is the right action into which no error and dishonesty enter. If he judges water for wine, and heaven for land and fire for light, he will be right without any doubt. Additionally, nobody is merited to oppose him."
To be honest, it is a strange tale. Because Hussein Ali Nouri hasn't been able to ignore his humane habits and does deeds which are against chastity he defines chastity as follows: The prophets can do everything they like and every deed they do isn't against their chastity.
The book "Aqdas", page 45, line 4
Having such false belief, Hussein Ali Nouri says in the book "Aqdas, p.45, line4:
"لیس لمطلع الامر شریک فی العصمة"
"There won't be any partner in chastity for the manifestation of faith."
In belief, it means that Hussein Ali Nouri himself can do every action and no action prevents his chastity; but after him, no one is allowed to possess such rank and to be his partner.
However, the Baha'is didn't believe in their leader's book. They assumed this rank for Hussein Ali Baha'is successor, Abdul Baha, They assumed it for shoqi; too after Abdul Baha!
The instruction of the book "Aqdas" wasn't executed; although Baha'is believe that the Aqdas is higher and superior to the holy Quran and the Bible.