The mere reason offered by Ali Muhammad Shirazi for proving Mahdism claim and his making religion is his so-called spiritual writings. As written in the book "the Persian Bayan":
"مَن استدل بغیر کتاب الله و آیات البیان و عجز الکل عن الاتیان بمثلها فلا دلیل له و من یروی معجزة بغیر فلا حجة له"
"A Person who reasons everything except for God's book and Verses of the Bayan while everybody is unable to bring a book like it, he/ she won't have any reason and a person who reports a miracle except for it, he/ she can't raise an argument.[1]"
Ali Muhammad Bab stresses that this reasoning must be recited every 19 days and be thought in order for his rightfulness to be gained:
"ولابّد ان یقرئن ذلک الباب فی کل تسّعة عشر یوماً مرة واحدة و یتفکرون فیها نزل فیه باللیل و النهار"
"These verses must be recited every 19 days and be thought.[2]"
The interesting note is that according to Ali Muhammad Bab's claim, his speech and word miracle aren't just assigned to his Arabic works and phrases; but it includes his Persian ones:
"شئوون فارسیه بعینه مثل شئوون آیات..."
"If a person observes the Persian words deeply, he/ she will observe the eloquence of verses and he/ she will be certain that nobody can say such words but God.[3]"
Anyway, there are many scientific mistakes in the Excellency Bab's so-called spiritual works alongside with many literary syllogisms.[4]
Nevertheless, can eloquence of Ali Muhammad Sirazi's works be compared with the Persian pros masterpieces (like Sa'di's ones)?! The complexity of Bab's texts is too much that it is hard for each reader to recite it; for instance refer to the Persian Bayan, Ahle Bayan publishing house, pp. 102- 103.