Abbas Abdul Baha figured out the issue and said to the top officers of England not to be worried: “I have provision for your army”. Then, he opened the storehouses loaded with provision for the British troops. It causes the British troops to win in Palestine (the famous book of lady Bloomfield called the chosen highway, page 210 mentions in the footnote that Abdul Baha’s wheat storehouses were good hidden places for preserving wheat! ) In this way, his helps caused the dominence of the British army to be strengthened and the way for establishing a Jewish government in Palestine region to be leveled.
It is interesting to be noted that Abdul Baha has called the usurp dominance of the Colonial government of England on the Palestine land as establishing justice tents and thanked God for this great blessing and wished for confirmations of George V, the British emperor!!! (narrated by the book Makatib, vol. 3, p. 347:
اللّهم اید الامبراطور الاعظم جرج الخامس عاهل انکلترا بتوفیقاتک الرحمانیه و ادم ظلها الضلیل علی هذا الاقلیم الجلیل
(Makatib, vol. 3, p. 347 written by Abdul Baha)… This issue influenced on the Palestinian contenders very much; so that Jamal Pasha, the Ottoman government ruler who was resisting against the British troops to be furious to such an extent that said: Abbas Effendi is free to select whether to be executed or killed. (Habib’s memoirs, vol. 1, p. 446)
Abdul Baha was praying for the Jewish and predicting: “Here is Palestine, the holy lands. The Jewish tribe will return here again soon. This is one of the clear promises of God. Undoubtedly, the Jewish tribe will be belored and precious…”
The Jewish captivity and homelessness change into superficial esteem (Habib’s memoirs, vol. 1, p. 20) and then when Israel won, Abdul Baha prayed: Israel will be glorious soon. The truth sun rose and the guidence ray stroke Israel in order for people to enter into the holy land happily.”
Then, he prayed for the Jewish majesty from the bottom of his heart: O’ Lord, reveal your promise and make the great Excellency’s essence genteel, you are potent, powerful, receptive and wise “(Habib’s memoirs, vol. 1, p. 53). The Israeli government answered his mercies. So, Shoqi Effendi said: “The government of Israel provided all facilities for us.” (The faith news, 107 Badi’a, No. 8, p. 2)
As you know, the financial aids are curtial for a country which is fighting to overcome the enemy. The Israel government was fighting against the oppressed nation of Palestine and needed the financial aids and were gathering various donations from the Jewish and the European countries.
It is interesting to be noted that Mrs. Rouhieh Maxwell’s speech, the American wife of Shoqi Effendi, regarding the relationship between Baha’ism and the Zionism Israel and has expressed: “I prefer for the youngest religions (Baha’ism) to be grown from the newest countries of the world (Israel). In fact, it should be said that our future (that is, Baha’ism and Israel) is joint like the loops of a chain.”
(the faith news, Day, 1340, No. 10, January 1962, the last paragraph).