After Sep. 11 event, the American Baha’is became passionate to condemn this terroristic measure based on the teachings of their leaders[1]; but they encountered the surprising order by the Baha’ism organization. The American Baha’i assembly prevented them to react under the name of Baha’ism! As Mrs. Pet Cohli says: “After Sep. 11 event, I asked the Baha’i friends to wake and reread the Baha’i texts and to be bound with the Baha’i religion values and condemn Sep. 11 attack. After a short while, the American national assembly wrote in a letter signed by Bob Hinderson[2] that nobody is allowed to use the title Baha’i for newspapers and media. For instance: I am Peter Cax, a Baha’i citizen from the United States and condemn the flagrant attack to Newyork.[3]”
On the other hand, from Sep. 11 attack on, the American national assembly ordered the Baha’is not to criticize Taliban or to blame Osama Bin Laden as Baha’is!
The criticism over the Baha’ism organization approach regarding Sep. 11 event:
1) We observed that although Baha’ism introduces itself as the messenger of peace for the world: “The teachings of the Excellency Bahaullah are really unique… One of these teachings… is the general peace.[4] ”; but the Baha’is don’t possess any right to fulfill these slogans in action!
2) It is interesting to be noted that after a while during the adventure of occupying Iraq by the American coalition, the Baha’is were prohibited to oppose against war by the Baha’ism organization. The national assembly of the Baha’is of the United States expressed: “We Baha’is are aware of this fact that great tensions and unrests will happen in the world before the universal peace is achieved… If you are asked about the Baha’is position regarding the Middle East crisis, you must answer that the Baha’i faith won’t take any position concerning crisis or a special conflict. Despite of conflicts happening in the world, the universal peace is unavoidable… It isn’t advisable for the faith organization or the Baha’is to demonstrate for the Middle East crisis on behalf of the Baha’ism organization.[5]”
3) The Baha’ism organization has proved repeatedly that it follows a quite selective approach regarding issues such as peace and human rights and it also follows its organizational interests.
4) The Baha’ism leadership foundation indicated that Baha’ism is beyond a belief contrary to its flase claim and apart from the so-called religious duties, the Baha’is must obey the organization policies although such policies are against the sectarian teachings and human conscience.
[1] Ishraq Khawari, the heaven message, India, 1986 A.D. p. 52.
[2] Bob Honderson: The chairman of the American national assembly
[3] For more studies refer to the article started by: First of all, you have pretended to…
[4] Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, the western Germany: The national assembly of the faith works, Bita, vol. 3, p. 78.
[5] The message of the national spiritual assembly of Baha’is (1991 A.D.)