The leadership foundation of Baha’ism claimed for the removal of superstition out of the society by Bab’s emergence and for understanding the reality of the new era by his teachings in a part of its message on the occasion of the bicentenary of Ali Muhammad Bab’s birthday:
“The Excellency Bab’s works streamed out of his blessed pen like a propitious spring and revealed deep facts. It Negatived the dominant superstitions in his period of time and encouraged people to figure out the importance of the new era… They erradicated the old-fashioned traditions and removed the dark dust out of the insight of those whom illusions and superstitions have made blind.[1]
The answer to the Baha’ism organization claim:
1) Contrary to the Baha’ism organization, not only Bab’s claim emergence didn’t cause superstitions to be removed out of the community; but also his works are full of superstitions and issues which are against science and wisdom. For example: Does the following commandments mean removing superstitions out of the community and the are they the concepts of correct understanding of the reality of the new era: The Excellency Bab’s commandment concerning eating tree leaves[2] or prohibition of taking drugs by patients [3]or studying and teaching each scientific field except Babism to be illegitimate[4]or the commandment of not riding cows and not drinking donkey milk [5] or the Excellency Bab’s commandment concerning the massacre of the earth people and destruction of their works[6]?!
2) How could the Excellency Bab destroy the superstitions during six month which the Baha’ism organization is claiming them to be formed during one hundred years?!
[1] The leadership foundation of the universal house of justice message on the occasion of Ali Muhammad Bab’s birthday, dated October, 2019 A.D. pages 1& 2.
[2] Refer to Ali Muhammad Shirazi, Heykaluddin tablet, unit 6, chapter Al-Bady
[3] Ali Muhammad Bab, the Persian Bayan, Iran: The limited copy by the Iranian spiritual assembly, 133 Badi’a, p. 286.
[4] Ibid, p. 130.
[5] Ali Muhammad Bab, the Arabic Bayan, Bija: Bita, p. 49.
[6] For more studies refer to the article: A monolateral view on Babism movement during Qajar dynasty.