Love of freedom or asking for despotism by Baha’ism?!

Monday, 23 December 2019 07:09 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


During the riots for petrel costliness, the Baha’ism organization issued a message concerning supporting the constitution movement and democracy by the Baha’ism and encouraged the Baha’is to contribute in the political affairs of Iran actively; while not only the Baha’ism and its teachings have not been the supporter of constitution and democracy; but also this message displays camouflage and divergence of Baha’ism concerning their undercover policy.

     During the riot caused after people’s opposition against petrol costliness, the Baha’ism organization networks which are standing in the first line of those who ask for the government to be thrown away issue a message which is superficially proposing but in fact it was double-edged towards the basis of the Iranian political structure.

     As the Baha’i media wrote about the Baha’ism role in forming the constitution system: “Another dimension of the Baha’is participations in the development of Iran has been due to preaching democracy culture. Abdul Baha first motivated and encourage the Iranian Baha’is to participate at the amplifying trends of the constitution movement.”

     However, the issue becomes interesting when the Baha’ism organization generalizes the active presence of Baha’is in the Iranian policy arena and writes: “The universal house of justice writes in this regard: Abdul Baha offered an example to confront the campaigns which the Baha’is are going to be confronted with them in the future; that is, he directed the surrounded Baha’i community to try for the political reforms first and then to withdraw completely because its struggles encountered cynicism and malevolence.[1]

     However, two notes are necessary to be mentioned criticizing and investigating this message:

1)   The Baha’ism organization is speaking about Abdul Baha’s order to the Baha’is concerning participating at the Iranian political trends actively and the universal house of justice is calling the Baha’is to continue this process in the current time; while each kind of meddling in the political affairs has been considered as exiting this cult: “The criterion for being a Baha’i or not is that everybody who meddles with the political affairs and speaks out of his/her duty is the reason for him/her not to be Baha’i. It doesn’t need any other reason.[2]” it is interesting to be noted that the Baha’i heads order Baha’is to be active in the political affairs and also they have considered even speaking about policy as absence and indecent action[3]!”

     Yes, this clear divergence and contradiction in slogan and action means the extremity of organizational camouflage which tries to pretend itself as religion and belief! Of course, the camouflage of the cult is being displayed when the Baha’i organization is explicitly ordering removing from the political affairs when the sense of pessimism against the Baha’is destructive activities is being created! We have observed such behaviors after Pahlavi period of time and after 1388 sedition.

2)   Contrary to the Baha’ism support from the constitution movement, the members of the cult confronted against the constitution movement ordered by Abdul Baha himself in order to penetrate into Qajar court; to such an extent that according to Ayati, Abdul Baha writes secretly to Tehran assembly after sabotaging during the constitution movement: elect one, two or three lawyers for the consultative assembly. When he didn’t succeed, he ordered Baqerof to send my political book or other books for King Ahmad to make him understand that we are asking for despotism…[4]

     So, why does Baha’ism try to introduce itself to be out of policy and the governmental affairs if Baha’ism obstructs during the constitution movement and supports the despotic government; but they pretend to be the supporters of freedom and democracy by calling Iran as despotic during the riots in the country.


[1] Narrated by the proselytizing news networks of the Baha’ism organization

[2] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, p. 337.

[3] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Tehran: the national institute of the faith works, p. 337.

[4] Abdul Hussein Ayati, Kashful Hiyal (3Volumes), Tehran: Bina, 1340 S.H., Vol. 2, p. 123.


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