On one of the message issued by the Baha’ism organization media, the adventure of transferring and burying Bab’s dead body have been investigated. As it is written in the message:
“The Excellency Bahaullah had correctly recognized that if Bab’s dead body were buried in Iran and a building were built for commemoration, the Iranian government and scholars would destroy it. Consequently, based on the Excellency Bahaullah’s guidance, Bab’s dead body was transferred in several places secretly for 50 years in Iran temporarily in order to be kept.” The message continued: “In one of the trips, he Excellency Bahaullah pointed a place in Kermel mount with his hands and asked his son Abdul Baha to transfer Bab’s dead body from Iran to Heyfa to be buried… In 1900 A.D., 50 years after the Excellency Bab’s martyrdom, Bab’s dead body transferred from Tehran city to Heyfa under the Excellency Abdul Baha’s guidance and measures. However, it was impossible for the burial and building a tomb because the Excellency Abdul Baha had been exiled and imprisoned by the Ottoman government. Eventually, in 1908 A.D. after 60 years of the Excellency Bab’s martyrdom, and when the Excellency Abdul Baha was freed from prison, the Excellency Bab’s dead body was buried.[1]”
Despite of this glorious narration, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has said in his made commandments:
"حُرِّمَ علیکم نقل المیّت ازید مِن مسافهِ ساعه فی المدینه ادفعوه بالروح و الریحان فی مکانٍ قریبٍ"
It is illegitimate for you transfer a dead body to a place whose distance is more than an hour from the city. Bury him/her in a place at hand well and pleasantly.[2]
What a clear contradiction!!!
[1] Narrated by the proselytizing networks of the Baha’ism organization
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 123, paragraph 130.