The Baha’i proselytizer and a researcher searching in the field of Baha’ism investigated the issue of changing one of the forged prophet of Baha’ism’s commandments by Abdul Baha.
Researcher: why have the Baha’ism commandments been exploited by the Baha’i leaders?!
The Baha’i proselytizer: Give an example for your claim?!
Researcher: In the book “the Aqdas”, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has determined the residing house as the inheritance of male offspring:
"وَ جَعلنا الدارَ المسکونه و الالبسه المَخصُوصهِ للذّرِّیه مِن الذُکران دُونَ الإناث و الوُراث إنَّهُ لَهُو المُعطی الفَیاض."
“And we have made the residential house and the special clothes of dead body for the male offspring…[1]”
The Baha’i proselytizer:
The researcher:
While Abdul Baha has changed this commandment with no reason, he has considered the dead person’s house belonged to the elder son[2].
The Baha’i proselytizer:
He has been the communicator of Bahaullah’s commandments and he hasn’t distinguished that the male offspring means the elder son!
The researcher:
Abdul Baha should have clarify the ambiguities of the forged prophet of Baha’ism’s statements while he has deviated instead of explaining and clarifying!!!
[1] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 23, paragraph 25.
[2] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, p. 128.