A groundless fear which was buried by the incident of Islamic Revolution

Saturday, 07 March 2020 09:44 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Pahlavi government which gained power in Iran through the English coup on Isfahan, 1299 S.H. provided a golden opportunity for the Baha’is during 1340s and 1350s to gain key posts in the country.

     Let’s start about the origin of this ominous deviant cult: A young man from Shiraz city called Ali Muhammad claimed for being the gate for Shiite Imams and the representative of the last Imam, the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) nearly 170 years ago. Shortly after the claim, he claimed for being Imam of the time, prophethood and divinity. He abolished the religion of Islam and the holy Quran by bringing a weak and rootless book. While, he couldn’t convince the Shiite scholars of Tabriz and Isfahan debating about Babism. Eventually, due to his contradictions and mistakes the then Iranian government captured him in a corner in the north of Iran. Some heads turned to him and proselytized for him and exaggerated in favor of him because he was out of sights of people. The riot and bloodshed expanded in the country; but the great man of the Iranian history, Amir the great executed Bab in Tabriz city on lunar month of Sha’ban 1266 A.H. and in Sha’ban next year, he exiled Hussein Ali Nouri (Baha) to Iraq. He eradicated the rest of Babis after they couldn’t succeed to assassinate the king of Qajar. So, Iran remained safe against official attacks by Babis and Baha’is by the beginning of Pahlavi era. The Pahlavi government which gained power in Iran through the English coup on Isfahan 1299 A.H. provided a golden opportunity for the Baha’is during 1340s and 1350s to gain key posts in the country. The process of expanding the influence of Baha’is in the second Pahlavi statesmanship was intensified; so that Muhammad Reza Shah couldn’t control Iran anymore; but the Baha’is were taking over the control of the contrary even the intelligent service. The vicinity of close relationships between the Zionistic regime of Israel and the Iranian government provided a golden opportunity for Baha’ism to think the Baha’i universal government as a groundless fear.

     However, the Baha’ism organization was removed by the victory of Islamic Revolution. So, the groundless fear of Baha’ism was buried.


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