The false messengers (part 10) Returning to idolatry

Wednesday, 29 April 2020 01:54 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


God was and is going to direct people to the straight path by sending prophets and Imams in order for everybody to be merited for the promised heaven. The mere way for guiding human beings is worshiping the Almighty God and obeying divine orders and prohibitions and avoiding idolatry and hideous deeds.

However, people like Bab and Baha who considered themselves as God's messengers tried hard to attract some people to idolatry of the pagan state of the Arabs before Muhammad (P.H.). They succeed to some extent too.

     The holy religion of Islam states: The origin of world and the world inhabitants is the same. The Almight Lord is unique and doesn’t possess any partner.

     The Almighty God's power, influence and kingdom have spanned all things and creatures and all are controlled by His ability. The creatures of the world are all created, limited, disabled, weak, not eternal and needy.

     They pure religion of Islam destroyed and abolished each sort of idolatry and superstitions in beliefs and false thoughts and baseless illusions of the world nations.

     One of the advantages and prominent facts of the holy Quran is the topic of monotheism to which the great scientists of the world haven’t achieved yet.

     The holy prophet (P.H.) states: We are all unable slaves of God. We must stoop and submit just in the presence of the powerful God.

     However, it is hilarious that Seyyed Bab and Mirza Baha have renewed superstitions and idolatry after all endeavors of the holy religion of Islam and have directed people towards idolatry. Abdul Baha states in the first Makatib (p. 254, question 14): The Excellency holy has claimed for divinity and has sent down a book in interpreting Samad [ :eternal ]. From the beginning of the book to the end, he has raised the phrase "Surely I am Allah" and the Excellency Tahereh has also raised the phrase "Surely I am Allah" in Badasht. Also, the Blessed Beauty has stated:


"کل الالوه من اشح امری تالهت              و کل الربوب من طفح حکمی تربت"


     All gods became so due to my order and all lord become lords due to my commandment…[1]"

     This poem reveals that the Excellency Mirza is the head of all gods and goddesses.

     Damn such ignorance. After 1300 years of monotheism days and holy aspects of Islam, such superstitions have been written and stated. The holy prophet was saying:


لا اله الا الله-لا حول ولاقوه الا بالله- لم یلد و لم یولد و لم یکن له کفواً احد-هوالاول و الآخر والظاهر و الباطن-الله لا اله الا هو الحی القیوم-من ذا الذی یشفع عنده الا باذنه- ارباب متفرقون خیر ام الله الواحد القهار- ما تعبدون من دون الله الا  اسما سمیتموها انتم و آبائکم ما انزل الله ابا من سلطان ان الحکم الا الله امر ان لا تعبدوا الا ایاه ذلک الدین القیم و لکن اکثر الناس لا یعلمون.


     Yes, the holy Quran states not to pay attention to anybody but the Almighty Allah and not to elect anybody for the position of divinity.

     However, the Excellency Mirza started preaching goddess and idolatry after 12 centuries due to ignorance or infusions of the external enemies of the holy religion of monotheism and shamelessly says: I am the head of gods and a handful of stupid and ignorant people gather around him and he orders them to worship and obey him.


[1] The trial and investigation of Bab and Baha, pp. 64-65


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