One of the vain and baseless learnings of Baha'is is that they consider the unique spirit in various forms. For instance, they say: Qorratul Ein is the very Excellency Zahra (P.H.) and Seyyed Bab is the very holy prophet Muhammad (P.H.) and Mirza Baha is the very Excellency Hussein ibn Ali (P.H.) and the like.
In Babism creed, Seyyed Bab narrates from the 4th book:
"قل ان کمثل الشمس لوتطلع بما لا تعد اتها هی شمس واحده افلا تبصرون فی یوم یذکر باسم محمد ثم فی یوم ذات حروف السبع ثم فی یوم من یظهره الله[1]"
"Say it looks like the sun. It will be the very unique sunshine if it rises. Don’t you see it shines by the name of Muhammad a day and the next day it shines by the seven-letter name (Ali Muhammad) and the next day it shines by the name of the one whom God will manifest."
Yes, this meaning was preached in Seyyed Bab creed and among the followers and disciples of him completely. Everybody considered himself as the manifestation of one the previous great men. For instance, Qoddous said: I am the very Jesus Christ. Boshrouyee said: I am the very the lord of martyrs. Qorratul Ein said: I am the very Excellency Zahra (P.H.).
It is said in Mastour [:written] tablet[2]:
"ان مثل الظهور کمثل الشمس کل ما یغرب و یطلع هو شمس واحده افلا تعلمون[3]"
"The manifestation of prophet is similar to emerging sunshine. Whatever it rises or sets, it is the same first one; although it is various superficially."
This hypothesis of Seyyed Bab indicates that there won't be any difference among the prophets and other people. Additionally, Seyyed Bab could say: I am Adam, Cain, Abel, Abraham, Shadad, Moses, Jesus, Pharaoh, Muhammad, Abu Lahab and other people.
Second, if Seyyed Bab meant metempsychosis; that is, believing in spirits to be belonged to other bodies after being separated from bodies in the second stage, it would be false scientifically because it is impossible.
Anyway, the statement of 19th century prophet is contrary to logic, reasoning and wisdom. It is also needed to be proved.