The end of a puppet's lifetime

Sunday, 31 May 2020 17:39 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The minister of the colonies of the government of the majesty king of England, Mr. Winston Churchill… announced: "Say my sincere condolence to the survivor members of late Sir Abbas Effendi and the Baha'i community"… The commander in Chief the troops dispatched to Egypt, General Kongerviyo issued the following telegraph: "It is requested for my deep feeling to be said to the descendants of late Sir Abbas Baha'i…"

     After the young Turk revolution in Turkey. King Abdul Hamid was removed from his office and Abdul Baha's social and political limitations were removed, too. He went to Egypt and then to Europe and America from Palestine invited by the Baha'is of America and Europe. During this trip which last for three years, Abdul Baha posed and introduced teachings as the main teachings of Baha which is now known as the 12 teachings. Although they were increased with the passage of time[1], what is being swaggered in Abdul Baha's trips to the west is this character's fondness of meretricious civilization of the west. He gave a speech in one of the Baha'is house:

     "Tonight, I am extremely happy with entering into such assembly. I am from the east. Thanks God, I have participate at the western assembly. I can see a group of people possessing humanity lights in their faces… I say it is possible for the western and eastern people to be united and there will be absolute ties between America and Iran.[2]"

     Abdul Baha (1300 S.H. – 1340 A.H.) died on Nov. 28, 1921 A.D. due to a not long-termed illness. His western fans and adherents sympathized with the survivor members: "The secretary of the colonies of the British government Mr. Winston Churchill asked for the British government's condolence to be announced to the Baha'i community… Additionally, Econton Allenby also announced to express his condolence to Sir Abdul Baha Abbas Effendi's surviving members and the Baha'i community… General Kongervio, the commander in chief of the troops dispatched to Egypt, signaled a telegraph including: "It is requested for my deep feelings to be expressed to the descendants of late Sir Abbas Baha'i

     His tomb is located next to Bab's tomb in Kermel mount which were determined as the place for Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab's bone settlement ordered by Bahaullah.

[1] Mojan Momen, p. 185.

[2] Abdul Baha's sermons, Vol. 1, narrated by Ismaeel Raeen, branching in Baha'ism, p. 124.

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