Late Sheikh Hassan forged a tradition to test Sheikh Ahmad and used a complicated word into it. He wrote the forged tradition on a sheet of paper and made the paper old by rubbing dust and soot on it. Then, he took it for Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and said: I have found a tradition. Look at it to know whether it is a tradition or not? Additionally, what does it mean? Sheikh Ahmad took it and studies and said to late the Sheikh Hassan: This is Imam’s speech and justify too much. Late Sheikh Hassan took the paper, went out and tore it…[1]
One of the other scholars who was contemporary to Sheikh Ahmad was Seyyed Jalaluddin Ashtiyani. Pointing out Sheikh Ahmad’s position in Isfahan, Seyyed Jalaludding writes: “Although Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee is known as asceticism and Hajj Sabzewari has said about him that his knowledge wasn’t better than the scholars of Isfahan; but he was unique in asceticism. His behavior indicates that he was a worldly man who loved to have more disciples/ also, passion made him to follow chairmanship. He traveled to various cities and offered strange views. Passion made him to enter into philosophy and Gnosticism sciences without specialization and being taught by any master.[2]” of course, it should be noted that several scholars had negative view about Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and assigned him a position and rank such as Kashful Qeta. Other scholars such as late Mirza Muhammad Baqer Khansari, the author of the book “Rowzatul Jannat” has considered Sheikh Ahmad to be separated from Sheikism. He says about Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee: “Our Sheikh Ahmad ibn Al-Sheikh Zaynuddin ibn Al-Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ehsaee Al-Bahrani is the best of sages and is the tongue for gnostics and speakers. He is the chosen of the world and the philosopher of this era and aware of secrets…[3]”
However, Mr. Khansari has had adverse view concerning the followers of Sheikism cult; because, he considered Sheikh Rajab Barasi and his followers as the opponents of Islam. He writes: “The followers of this assembly have been recently found… Their name is Sheikism which is attributed to Sheiukh Ahmad Ehsaee because he was praying the group prayer in the lower part of Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) holy shrine which is contrary to jurisconsults who were praying in the top. This tribe resembles the Christians who have exaggerated about Jesus and believed in trinity Sheikism believe in being the special deputy and gate of imam of the Time (P.H.)[4].
Of course, Morteza Modarres chahardehi writes in this regard: “As a matter of fact, late Mirza Muhammad Baqer Khansari’s judgment is about late Sheikh Ahmad and Sheikism who has separated him out of other Shiites’ circle.[5]”
Consequently, although Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee has possessed some views accepted by the scholars and asceticism which has attracted some; but Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee possessed insights (such as resurrection along with Hur Qoliyaee body) which were against the holy Quran text. So, several scholars decreed of his apostasy and considered him and his followers to be out of Shiite religion.
[1] Mirza Muhammad Tonekaboni, the stories of the scholars, Tehran, Elmieh ISlamieh, BIta, p. 54.
[2] Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Najafi, the Baha’is, 2nd edition, Mashar publishing house, Qom, 1380, p. 90, narrated by Mullah Sadra, the explanation of Al-Mashaer epistle, p. 29.
[3]Muhammad baqer Khansari ISfahani, Rowzatul Anwar Fi Ahwal Al-Ulama, Vol. 1, pp. 88-89.
[4] Ibid, Vol. 3, p. 342.
[5] Morteza Modarresi Chahardehi, Sheikism and Babism, 2nd edition, Tehran, Forouqi publishing house, 1351, p. 65.