Baha’ism is a cult which claimed for the guidance of human beings in 19th century and for bringing up human being’s guidance plan.
However, what has been observed from Baha’ism has been against the guidance path. It resembles an armed group for assassinating dignitaries and ordinary people. This terroristic group has killed thousands of people during the years it has been created.
In order to govern people whom been called God’s sheep, this cult has issued instructions for its followers and called those principles as the Baha’i teachings.
For instance, one of the Baha’i teachings is removing all prejudices and a faithful Baha’i is the one who is not bigoted even about his/her chastity! However, a few Baha’is act this principle. As Sobhi says: One of the principles of Baha’is is removing all homespun, ethnic and religious bigotries; so the Baha’is are so bigoted.[1]
The Baha’is have problem even in the most unimportant life issues. So, they kick all teachings and principles under their feet.
Of course, God’s sheep aren’t guilty. The leader of Baha’ism has ordered the Baha’is to behave well even with enemies; but in action he has massacred these who were against him.