Baha’is have fought against the right beliefs and the sense of patriotism of Iranians and are going to educated people who are dastard like themselves by deprejudice.
As a matter of fact, the Baha’is have revealed their dastardliness by religious deprejudice and fighting against national zeal. They have proved that they don’t attach importance to Iran and its people. As Baha says as the founder of this deviant cult explicitly:
"لیس الفخر لمن یحبُّ الوطن"
“To love home isn’t an honor.”
Indeed, why doesn’t the universal house of justice preach these instruction where it resides?!... Where the Zionistic regime of Israel has usurped the poor people’s houses. Why has the universal house of justice been silent?! Why don’t the Baha’is advise their Jewish brothers?!
These Baha’is beliefs are against the holy prophet’s (P.H.) remark:
"حب الوطن من الایمان"
“To love hometown is of faith.”