The Baha’i commandments 2: Removing all non-Babi books

Tuesday, 29 December 2020 08:59 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi ruled for all books except the Babi ones to be vanished away which caused scientists to opposed. However, after Ali Muhammad Shirazi, Hussein Ali Nouri restored the commandment.

In the epistle of answering to some doubts, it is said: Burning books is not mentioned in  the Persian and Arabic Bayan; but it is written to remove them; that is, abolishing the previous books and not paying attention to their commandments and acting the commandments of the book Bayan.[1]

The answer:

1)   Vanishing and removing means destroying and is higher and worse than burning.

2)   Abolishing means removing validity; so using the word vanishing for abolishing is totally wrong.

3)   If Seyyed Bab meant abolishing, how has Mirza Baha ignored this part in the book Aqdas and said:

قد عفی الله عنکم مانزل فی البیان من محوالکتب و آذنّاکمبان تقرؤا من العلوم ما ینفعکم

4)   Seyyed Bab didn’t mean previous prophets’ commandments and heavenly books; but he meant all the books and compilation by scholars and scientists. As he says:

فی حکم محو کل الکتب کلها الا ما انشئت او تنشیء فی ذلک الامر

So, Mirza Baha says ignoring this commandment.

و آذناکم بان تقرؤا من العلوم ما ینفعکم

Consequently, Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi who claimed for prophethood and divinity made a clear mistake and Mirza Baha reformed the commandment after Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s death because if he didn’t, nobody would turn to the deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism.


[1] The epistle of answering to some doubts, answering to the first question.


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