In the epistle of answering to some doubts, it is said: Burning books is not mentioned in the Persian and Arabic Bayan; but it is written to remove them; that is, abolishing the previous books and not paying attention to their commandments and acting the commandments of the book Bayan.[1]”
The answer:
1) Vanishing and removing means destroying and is higher and worse than burning.
2) Abolishing means removing validity; so using the word vanishing for abolishing is totally wrong.
3) If Seyyed Bab meant abolishing, how has Mirza Baha ignored this part in the book Aqdas and said:
قد عفی الله عنکم مانزل فی البیان من محوالکتب و آذنّاکمبان تقرؤا من العلوم ما ینفعکم
4) Seyyed Bab didn’t mean previous prophets’ commandments and heavenly books; but he meant all the books and compilation by scholars and scientists. As he says:
فی حکم محو کل الکتب کلها الا ما انشئت او تنشیء فی ذلک الامر
So, Mirza Baha says ignoring this commandment.
و آذناکم بان تقرؤا من العلوم ما ینفعکم
Consequently, Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi who claimed for prophethood and divinity made a clear mistake and Mirza Baha reformed the commandment after Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s death because if he didn’t, nobody would turn to the deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism.