In order to justify Ali Muhammad Shirazi claim for being a prophet and the abolishment of the religion of Islam by him, the Baha’i proselytizers has consider Islam to be opponent with the time and the new century expediencies which is necessary to be abolished. Consequently, Abdul Baha has announced a principle in Baha’ism that is the necessity for the conformity between religion and the era expediencies and said: “Religious laws must be established to be in conformity with the expediencies of humane world.[1] “
In the 19th century, Ali Muhammad Shirazi abolished the religion of Islam with this claim and confirmed his commandment by 2000 years after himself by appointing 2000 years for the emergence of the promised one after himself: “O’ the followers of the Bayan book, be thankful. A person who waits for 2001 years is undauntedly out of the religion of Bayan and he/she will surely be in fire…[2]”
While, the forged prophet of Baha’ism claimed for the abolishment of Bab’s creed merely after nearly 13 years after Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s death and announced: “The book Aqdas abolished the book Bayan and became the source for all commandments, orders and prohibitions.[3]” he explicitly declared in the book Aqdas that not only he can abolish Bab’s creed; but also he is able to change each eternal commandment[4]:
"لو یحلٌ ما حرّم فی ازل الازال او بالعکس لیس لاحدٍ ان یتعرض علیه"
Thus, why did Ali Muhammad Shirazi abolish the religion of Islam while his creed and commandments weren’t in conformity of that time?! Why were Babism immediately abolished by the claimant of Baha’ism prophet if Babism were in conformity with the expediencies of that time?!
[1] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the heaven’s message, the electronic copy, p. 190.
[2] Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Persain Bayan, Babis copy, p. 62.
[3] Fadhel Mazandarani, the private Asrarul Athar, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, Vol. 7, p. 161.
[4] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, pp. 152-153, paragraph 162.