Although the Baha'ism organization is using its international position in maximum level; but it has been silent against the violation of other people's rights. Consequently, the leadership foundation of Baha'ism which has introduced itself as the herald of the oneness of humane world. When it confronts the vagueness of public thoughts concerning its silence against the world crimes and injustice, it justifies the teaching of not meddling with policy as its answer: While, Abdul Baha as the leader of Baha'ism has criticized being silent against violating human rights in a sermon:
"I became really surprised at 25 people who have sank in the (French) river which has created a strange excitement in the parliament; but they don’t speak about thousands of people who are being killed in Terablos… what's the reason? They are human beings and these are two. They are all from human generation…[1]"
Now, the foundation of the universal house of justice must be asked: Is the freedom of some criminals more important than thousands of Muslims who are being murdered by their agents of their lords in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and etc.?! How can the universal house of justice close its eyes against the crimes of the kid-killer Zionistic regime and introduce itself as the herald of general peace and the oneness of human being?!