The Baha'i proselytizers have narrated verse 25 of chapter Yonos and claimed for prophetic mission of Hussein Ali Nouri from Baqdad city:
واللهُ یَدعُوا اِلی دار السَّلام وَ یَهدِی مَن یَشاءُ اِلی صِراطِ المُستَقیمٍ
[Yonos/ verse: 25]
The Baha'i proselytizers are saying Darussalam is the title of Baqdad city and the verse is giving good news about Hussein Ali Nouri's prophetic claim from Baqdad city.
The answers to Baha'i proselytizer's claim:
1) Why don’t you assume the city Darussalam in Tanzania?!
2) According to the Baha'i proselytizer's claim, Hussein Ali Nouri is the very false promised one of Bab! Why did Bab introduced the sacred Mosque as the place of the promised one's emergence[1]?! Is Hussein Ali the promised one of the Bayan or the holy Quran?!
3) Assalam (السلام) in this verse is one of Allah's names[2] and Darussalam (دارالسلام) means paradise. As Imam Sajjad (P.H.) has stated:
وَالله یَدعُوا الی دَارالسَّلامِ یَعنی بِهِ الجَنَّه[3]