Why was an English senior officer responsible for caring Abdul Baha?

Tuesday, 01 June 2021 10:21 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size




Sir Ronald Storrs was one of the prominent English military men and politicians and of those who had received the Sir title. Of course, he was considered as one of the important actors of the British policy in the Arabic Middle East based on the geography of his habitat. He has written in his diary about supporting Abdul Baha. However, what is the aim for this support?!


Sir Ronald Storrs was one of the prominent British military men and politicians who had served in Arabic Middle East section (especially in the Saudi Arabia) and had been one of the important actors of the British policy in the Arabic Middle East during World War I (1914-1918) and had tried to create Arabs’ hate against the Ottoman Turks.[1]


This military and political agent of the British government has written about caring and supporting Abdul Baha:


“Whenever I was going to Heifa I met him. I accompanied him in his trip to Egypt and cared him.[2]


Nevertheless, why was it so important for the old Colonialism to support the claimants of Baha’ism religion makers?! How is it possible for Baha’ism to be considered as a divine and independent creed?!


[1] The readable magazine, the 6th year, 1325 S.H., No. 48.

[2] Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Najafi, the Baha’is, Tehran: Ma’shar publishing house, 1383, p. 650; narrated by the faith news magazine, No. 7-8, p. 7.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 02 June 2021 09:25
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