A sample of king Naseruddin sensitivity and reaction against Babism and Baha’ism in the mid years of his kingdom

Wednesday, 30 June 2021 08:47 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The newspaper of Naseruddin Shah’s memoirs 1284-1286 A.H.

Tuesday, 18th of Rabiul Awwal 1286 A.H. (nearly 147 years ago)…

when we wanted to return home, A saw a tall person wearing white cloth standing at village castle gate among the crowd. I said to Ali Reza Khan [Azaddul Molk]: This man was in Niavaran this morning, too. Now, he has come here. Get him be captured by footman and be beaten and taken to Shemran. He did it.

In the evening when it was preserved, [had sit, I saw him writing a petition. He had sent a big pack. He has written: Occasionally, this person was arrested; he confessed that he had brought a petition from Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Babi (Bahaullah) for the king. He himself must give it to the king. I took the petition and sent. The petition was very very long in Arabic and Persian languages nicely written in a big cashmere paper. It was written in equal lines –in length and width. It had taken a long time to be written. The text of the letter was about proving his religion to be right and seeking him. Arrange a meeting including your scholars to debate with each other. It was too long.

However, I surprised with my view that I figured out that he must be arrested and imprisoned…


Wednesday, 19th of Rabiul Awwal, 1286 A.H.

I stayed at home. I stock the photos I had taken in Niavaran on the wall. They were Tolozon, Yahya Khan (Mo’atanedul Molk and then Moshirudduleh) and etc. I read the book Don Quixote. The photographer sent by Mirza Hussein Ali Babi whose name was Mirza Badi’a and was from Khorasan took a photo. He was a young tall, dreadful man wearing white cloth. He was wearing an Ottoman turban. Ali Reza Khan [and] Agha Ebrahim [Aminussoltan I] had searched about him a lot. He had answered strangely and confessed for his Bab: religion. He considers Mirza Hussein Ali as God and prophet. Then, he was taken to be tortured to introduce his friends. He had said nothing. He was taken to Tehran prison. Next, at night, he was ordered to be suffocated and died…!

(Narrated and Summarized from the newspaper “Naseruddin Shah’s memoirs 1284 to 1286 A.H., attempted by Majid Abd Amin, Dr. Afshar’s endowment foundation).

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