
News (1451)

Saturday, 19 May 2018 12:30

Bahaullah destroyed Bab’s accounts!

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Ali Muhammad Shirazi who considered the Baha’ism leader as the forerunner of his creed deviated the nature of resurrection of the religions’ promised one, and has interpreted it to the prophets’ emergence. He had predicted that his post promised one will be emerged 2000 years later; while Hussein Ali Nouri used Bab’s weapon against himself and announced his creed abolishment. As he claimed: “The day of judgment means since the emergence of the truth tree in each time and each name to the sunset of it. … And the day of judgment is the emergence of me as one in whom God will manifest.[1]

Friday, 18 May 2018 13:30

The Baha’i Baqeruf

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Seyyed Asadullah Baqeruf and his brothers (Seyyed Nasrullah, Seyyed Reza, Seyyed Muhammad and Agha Mir Alinaqi Baqeruf) who were famous for the quintlet Seyyeds were of the most wealthy and influential Baha’is of Gilan and Tehran cities. Seyyed Nasrullah was the oldest among them “who was one the great rich people in Tehran city As long as he was alive, he sacrificed in the path of the Baha’i faith solved the problems of the Baha’i community.”[1] Ayati explains how Nasrullah Baqeruf was trying to attract the commander in chief Tonekaboni (one of the two great conquerors of the Constitution) but he failed.[2]


Deviating the real Shiite beliefs, the Baha’i authors are trying to deviate believing in resurrection and to reconcile it to their leaders. As the Baha’i authors claim: “It is said that the Jesus Christ (P.H.) will come. The Excellency Jesus Christ (P.H.) here means Bahaullah. This tradition has been mentioned in the book “Sahih” by Bokhari and Moslem and other valid books. The Excellency holy prophet (P.H.) stated that the Jesus Christ will come. He meant Bahaullah.[1]


The scholars of the Sheikism cult have special beliefs regarding the position of the holy Imams (peace be upon them) in the creation system; including they consider the holy Imam as the four reasons of creation which are as follows: final, acting, material and external reasons.


 The Excellency Bab has assumed the promised day of judgment of the divine religion as the median prophetic mission of the new prophet and his ascension which will be repeated by the emergence of the next prophets. Pay attention, according to the Excellency Bab’s view, the day of judgment will be happened of his followers just from the prophetic mission time to his ascension. How does the day judgment happen for those who have lived and died between to prophets? The Excellency Bab has said: “The day of judgment means; for instance, from the prophetic mission of the Jesus Christ (P.H.) to the time when he was ascended.[1]


Adducing some verses of the holy Quran, the Baha’i proselytizers are trying to introduce the holy Quran as the harbinger of good news about their creed. The holy Quran states:


One of the Quranic verses indicating the finality of the prophethood of the holy prophet the Excellency Muhammad (peace be upon him and his descendants) is the verse 40, Al-Ahzab Surah:


The Baha’i authors have claimed that the difference between Islam and Baha’ism is that Islam has proselytized and advance forcefully; but Baha’ism’s advancement has been done logically.

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