
News (1451)


The Baha’i authors have claimed that the sending down of the book “Bayan” is indicating that this book is superior to the holy Quran. As read: “The book Bayan has been sent down in two days and is superior to the holy Quran which has been sent down for 23 years.[1]


 In order to reject the finality of prophethood of the holy prophet the Excellency Muhammad (peace be upon him and his descendants) claimed that such important issue needs to be emphasized to be proved; which there isn’t any verse in the holy Quran to prove this issue. However, there are many verses to prove this reality.


 The recent speech by Mr. Zarif, the foreign minister of our country regarding the minority rights has been exploited differently by the media:


It is said in the Baha’ism Redhvan feast message that Hussein Ali Nouri issued the oneness of humanity commandment; while Hussein Ali Nouri has confessed that he has created grudge, enmity and aversion which has been unprecedented in history.

Tuesday, 08 May 2018 11:03

Those are anxious about Baha’is of Yemen

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In the cyberspace network and several sites related to the Iranian news, some topics were published regarding the Baha’is of Yemen. The titles of the articles:


 Baha’ism has announced its entity for more than 170 years. During this period of time, it has been successful in attracting the human forces despite it has had coherent activities in most countries in the world; although the worldwide power have supported it.


 The Baha’i authors are trying to make a reason for the legitimacy of their leaders posing the following question: “Why have the Baha’i leaders had devotees if they have been unwarranted?”  as we read: “The holy souls (the primary followers of Babism and Baha’ism) who have been saved since the beginning of the faith and have known the divine source and the holy souls who have grown up under the shadow of the divine religions and have been familiar with the holy books… They have figured out that the emergence of the Excellency Bahaullah is the emergence of the promised one of all religions and nations. Soul devotion is the witness for their statements.[1]


To prove their creed to be divine, the Baha’i authors introduce their leaders’ creed which wasn’t disgraced by God as a firm reason for the legitimacy. As we read: “Nobody can reject the absolute science and divine power. So, when a person manifests signs and attributes them to God can expose its falseness and if its falseness won’t be exposed it means that it is correct and remains undoubtedly.[1]

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