News (1451)
The peace claimant must answer: For what sin the third martyr was slain by the Babis
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Baraqani known as the 3rd martyr played a key role in guiding people and campaigning against the deviant thoughts of Sheikism and Bahaism. This great scholar was eventually martyred in the mosque by the savage Babis. However, although the Baha’i historians deny the role of Babis in martyring him, but the Babis confessed to play a direct role in this crime.
Question: Why was Ali Muhammad Bab executed if he repented?
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Without answering to documentation of Bab’s repentance, the Baha’i proselytizers answer a fault in documentation of his repentance: Why has Baba been executed if he has repented?! While he has been considered as intrinsic apostate and his repentance wasn’t accepted first and second Ali Muhammad Bab wasn’t exec just due to his apostasy from Islam and his bond with claim.
In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism ran a campaign called “#Iran-without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism.
Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, 2021 A.D.
The universal community of Baha’i ran a Twitter campaign called “#ایران-بدون-نفرت” [#Iran-without-hate] today Thursday night, Tir 24th to finish hate and propaganda of the Iranian System of government against the Baha’is.
Baha’ism, the most available information source of Israel
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The main center of managing the Baha’i cult in Heifa is expanding its activities day by day supervised by the Zionistic government and spreading its organizational instructions to the Baha’is across the world in one side and ion the other side it is increasing its buildings and positions in the occupied lands.
Baha’ism in line of those who are worried about removing the sanctions against Iran
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Like their lords, the Baha’is are worried about the removal of sanctions against Iran. Look at the cyberspace to know which countries are concerned about the removal of sanctions against Iran: Israel, America and to some extent Europe and of course the Saudi Arabia and its timid a liens. Now, Baha’ism is following its landlord and claiming for not removing sanctions against Iran.
The Baha’i commandments part-36 The commandment of dissimulation in the Baha’is behavior
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Shoqi Effendi has deprecated hiding belief in every situation; while Abdul Baha has mentioned several days in Baha’ism as dissimulation days. Anyway, how have the Baha’i authors mentioned the explicitness of all writings of the Baha’i leaders concerning the prohibition of dissimulation to justify Shoqi Effendi’s commandment?
Why do the Iranian people hate the Baha’is? The Mutual relationship between the Baha’is and America
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The American criminal regime started enmity against the Iranian people since the announcement of victory of revolution and the selection of the Islamic Republic of Iran by people as the government ruling Iran despite of the burial of Pahlavi regime by the revolutionary people of Iran. Of course, it should be stated that its interior agents were totally serving it in this course.
The Baha’i commandment part-35 Punishment for former Baha’is by the hallusinated Baha’i leaders
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The commandment of excommunication in Baha’ism means the personal dismiss and omission for those who violate the orders of the leaders of this cult or oppose. In the punishment of spiritual excommunication, the former Baha’is is considered as the bearer of contagious disease who is not allowed to visit his/her family members. However, how does a creed which assumes its base established on the independent investigation of truth rule a punishment worse than death?!