News (1451)
Contrary to the religion of Islam order concerning preserving unity as the greatest worship, the Sheikism leaders separated itself out of Shiite. Abul Qasem Ibrahimi gave negative answer to late Falsafi and didn’t accept unity and selected the name of Sheikhi for himself and his followers. They created new branches by establishing theological innovations.
After the victory of revolution and passing more than 40 years, the deviant cult of Baha’ism is trying to show the real face of Islamic republic of Iran differently supported by the related media services ordered by the enemies of Islamic Revolution. It shouldn’t be forgotten that this movement considers Baha’is captures related to their beliefs; although the Islamic Republic and relevant foundations have reflected capture data; but the cult and its organization are following this issue that the Iranian Baha’is have been tyrannized and aren’t considered as the Iranian citizens. The alien media are trying to say these people’s captures are due to their beliefs (being Baha’is).
Sheikism: obeying the oppressive resemble obeying God
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Violating the principle of friendship and exoneration principle, the leader of Sheikism of Kerman has directed Muslims towards oppression: HE has considered obeying the oppressive as obeying God! While, according to his thesis, the scholars and disciples who confronted the oppressive will be lewd ones. Even, the legitimacy of three caliphs and Yazid ibn Mo’awieh will be proved!
The most wonderful wisdom existing in Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is the feeling of unity and affinity created by Islam. The scholar, ignorant, young, old, man, woman, black and white are going, running, sitting and standing up. The jumping, roaring, going, coming, rotating are being done in one direction and in one line and orbit who is Allah and Allah is the greatest. (Nahjul Balagheh, explained and interpreted by the great scholar Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari –God bless him- volume 2, p. 227)
Mr. Qara’ati has written in Nour interpretation of the holy Quran: “we said the most important dimensions of pilgrimage to Mecca philosophy is keeping memoirs and services of the following prophets alive –Ibraham (P.H.), Esmail (P.H.), the holy prophet (P.H.) and pilgrimage to Mecca is the center of Muslims international gatherings and is also the credit for Muslim economy and creating jobs for dozens of thousands of Muslims. Pilgrimage to Mecca is the best opportunity and time for repentance, mentioning death and resurrection, quitting everything and observing Arafat and Masha’r deserts and waiting for the republic of the promised one of Islam (May God hasten his reappearance.) (Nour interpretation, Tehran 1381 S.H. Vol. 8, p. 33)
The following statement is said by Bahaullah in the book Aqdas, the holy book of Baha’is. You can judge:
“This worship is being dome on the condition that you ca afford it physically and financially. It is visiting Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab in Shiraz or Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri’s one in Baqdad as a pilgrim.
Bahaullah has said in the paragraph 33 of the book Aqdas: This trip is necessary for men and women who consist half of the society are exempted. Hajj hasn’t been done in a definite time or season and is being done in these two places.”
A glance at Sheikh Al-Iraqiein’s collation with Babism deviant thought
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
In a tablet issued by the name of Sheikh, Hussein Ali Nouri has attacked him and has called him “doubtful ignorant person” and “and “crafty element”! Also, Shoqi Effendi (Baha’s grandson from his daughter side and Abbas Effendi’s successor has repeatedly cursed and insulted Sheikh using words such as “malicious Sheikh”, “rejected in both worlds” and “The one who is being angered greatly”.
The investigation of the documents and measures concerning the abolition of the Iranian government by the Universal house of Justice during past 20 years
Question: What is the identity of Seyyed Kazem Rashti
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Seyyed Kazem Rashti is the second leader of Sheikism cult who was quite confirmed by his master Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee. He stayed in Karbala after Sheikh and preached his thoughts. The forth pillar is of the most important beliefs preached by Seyyed after Sheikh. Although there are some phrases in Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s words which testify his being pillar[1]; but fostering and preaching this thought have been done by Seyyed. Ali Muhammad Bab has also been Rashti’s pupil who ran Babism cult.[2]
To stop broadcasting the Christianity proselytizing television network in Israel
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The Israeli satellite and cable television broadcasting council says: The new network “God Television in Hebrew Language” due to proselytizing Christianity and encouraging the Jewish people to change their faith.