
News (1451)


Amir the great held the premiership after Hajj Mirza Aghasi when he had made a hero out of Ali Muhammad Shirazi, Bab due to his dependence on the Russians. So, the secret of all aspersions of Babis and Baha’is against Amir the great are due to his resistance and steadfastness against Babism sedition and their plans’ failures for capturing Iran.

Saturday, 03 August 2019 21:10

The god which was dreamed!!!

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The following is the details of meeting between Mirza Ali Muhammad entitled (Varqa) the offspring of Mulla Mehdi Yazdi, one of the Baha’i proselytizers with Mirza Hussein Ali:

Friday, 02 August 2019 15:50

A Baha’i request: Attack to IRAN!!!

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Attack to Iran. This is a sentence said by Maryam Me’amar Sadeqi, one of the managers of Tawana institute who is a Baha’i addressing the enemies of Iranian land. It seems this Baha’i woman has become mad due to her the resistance of Iranian people.

Of course, she has insulted the Iranian people before expressing such remarks which is originated from her Baha’i beliefs:

Now, we address this woman who claims for being open-minded that: Is the Iranian nation which is firm against the whole world rabid dog or those who:

1)   Has allowed the Zionistic regime to commit each kind of crime.




2)   Supported Saddam regime to impose a 8-year war against the revolutionary people of Iran.



3)   Confronted the Islamic revolution and prevented it to influence across the world extensively via the cruel and extensive sanction since the victory of revolution.


4)   Created ISIS to commit every kind of crime against the Iraqi and Syrian people after being disappointed with the revolutionary people of Iran.







5)   Supports crimes against the oppressed people of Yemen supporting the soft and hard crimes of the Saudi Arabia coalition.

Mrs. Me’amar Sadeqi, you must support Israel and its crimes because it is your landlord and your central organization.

You are right to be angry so because the victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran made your future dark. The Iranian people hate your and your organization deeply. If you as the rabid dog and other rabid ones attack Iran, you and they will surely be vanished. The Islamic Iran is similar to thistle in you and the enemies’ eyes.


 For many years, the enemies and the theological and intellectual movements have created tensions and disunities.


The Baha’ism organization is trying to press against its followers to do illegal actions forcefully in order for the system of government to confront against them to pretend they are oppressed.

Monday, 29 July 2019 04:59

Attack to iran!

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 Tir, 12, 1398, the hostile media announced a news concerning the unsuccessful attempt by the police to seal a house for the elderly in Golshahr, Karaj city.

By: Shadi Raoufi


There are several cases of dictation errors in the forged prophet of Baha’ism speech and writings:

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