News (1451)
Sheikism thought was the forerunner of Babism and Baha’ism belief. The leaders of Sheikism creed (especially Kazem Rashti) was respected by the Sunni officials of the Ottoman country by creating differences among Shiites. Consequently Kazem Rashti’s house was secure during the Ottoman troop’s attacks to Karbala city and the massacre of four thousand people. The massacre was called the divine torture for Shiite later on by Karim Khan Kermani!
Bab’s maternal uncle (entitled the greatest maternal uncle) was active in Babism disturbance along with six other Babis who were executed in 1266 A.H. in Tehran city. However, Baha’is are reminding the execution of these criminals and sedious people as a document for their being historically oppressed. As if they have forgotten the plans, riots and massacres of their ancestors.
Hussein Ali Nouri’s wives respectively:
Massihullah Rahmani has mentioned the name of Mirza Yahya Zanjani in his memoirs. He has been Mr. Rahmani’s guest for several days in Zarg village to proselytize.
Sheikism’s belief concerning the phrase “Thee alone we worship” in prayer
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
One of the Sheikism creed belief is that a person who prays must intend Imam Ali (P.H.) when s/ he recite the phrase of “Thee alone we worship”: "اِیّاکَ نَعبُدُ" Of course, the Baha’ism cult has cursed modeling the Sheikism and Sufism belief.
The book “Aqdas”: The great book or the greatest challenge of Baha’ism
Written by Super UserBahaismiran: confessing the correction of their so-called Aqdas book, the Baha’i heads don’t allow it to be translated completely and correctly into other languages (especially the Persian language). Consequently, Francesco Ficicchia considers its reason as their speech which are against and contrary to the deceptive slogans of Baha’ism. He also assumed the book Aqdas as thistle in the Baha’ism organization eyes.
The positions of women in Paradise narrated by the Baha’i proselytizers!!!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Posing the question of the women’s positions in Paradise, the Baha’i proselytizers are trying to challenge Muslims while according to traditions, women will have just one husband in Paradise. Baha’ism has rejected Paradise and hill to escape responsibility. The Baha’i proselytizers are trying to criticize family sacred issues and to intrigue Zeal ( the Zeal which is prohibited by Baha’ism[1]) and eventually to humiliate resurrection as one of the religious principles of Muslims.
In the divine religions, the Almighty God has bestowed each prophet who has elected a special title and has distinguished him with that title; such as the title “Safiullah for the Excellency Adam Abul Bashar and God’s prophet, Nabiullah for the Excellency Nouh, Khalilullah [:God’s friend] for the Excellency Abraham and Kalimullah[ speaker with God] for the Excellency Moses and Ruhullah [God’s spirit] for the Jesus Christ and Rasulullah [God’s messenger], Habiballah [God’s friend] and Khatamunnabieen[ the seal of prophest] for the Excellency Muhammad (peace be upon him).