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Saturday, 07 January 2017 21:31 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

 Women NOT allowed to serve the UHJ for at least 1,000 years! 

 People Raised in the Baha'i Faith 

 The Fallacy of the Year 9 in Baha'i claims 

  The Bab is not Imam Mahdi! (1) 

  Control of Bahai Organization on it's members



Bahaism and the Establishment

Gender Equality

The Sham of Gender Equality in the Baha’i

Baha'is making fool of Pakistan and Pakistani people

What is the difference between Baha'i Faith and Ahmadiyya Movement

Baha'i And Science

The Mirage of Gender Equality in the Baha'i Faith

Baha'i Cult duped Amelia Collins !(1)

Baha’i Deceptive Children’s Classes

What is the difference between Baha'i Faith and Ahmadiyya Movement

The Baha'i Truth

How unique is Baha'i Architecture

Baha'is are the best hypocrites !

Baha'i Scandals

What Baha'i LSAs and NSAs do with all the money they get from Baha'is

Baha'i Principles

Baha'is using School Children

Oneness of Religion (1)

Quranic Proofs of Finality of Prophethood

Meaning of word Khatm

Baha'i Faith- Friendship

What they teach in Baha'i Children Class

Baha'i moral activities in New Era High School (Panchgani - India)

Activities of the Other World - Hooper Dunbar - Austin, TX - 2011 (7)

Baha'is are the best hypocrites ! (1)

Baha'i Scandals

What is the aim of bicentennial celebrations of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb

Status of Women in the Baha'i Faith - Dr. Erfan Sabeti & Hossein Firouzi (1)

Baha'i Faith- Gender Equality (1)

Questions & Answers - Dallas, TX - Hooper Dunbar - 2017

Bahá'i Humanitarian of the Year

'How to deal with Anti-Baha'i literature - Baha'i Faith

'Takfir' in the Baha'i Faith

Iranian Jews to Israel- Our National Idenity is Not for Sale (1)

Baha'is were selling real estate to Zionists in Palestine before 1948 (subtitled)

9 Facts about Shoghi Effendi - the First Guardian of the Baha'i Faith (2)

How Baha'is follow their leaders in deceiving

Is Baha'i faith a cult  You decide...

4 Ways to create a Religion of Hypocrites

Was Shoghi Effendi Homosexual

Why I am not a Baha'i

Truth about the Baha'i Faith (1)


  Why I am not a Baha'i


 How Baha'is usurped Muslim Endowments with the Help of Israeli Government

Baha'i Ali Nakhjavani is a Liar... His speech on Covenant exposes him


The ignorant member of (Haifan) Baha'i Universal House of Justice. Peter Khan.

CU Celebration 2009 - 'Walking the Talk' by Rev. Eric Stetson.

Baha'i UHJ Member Peter Khan finds fault in Judaism, Christianity and Islam to sell his 'product'.

Division among the followers of Bab and Baha'u'llah (1)

A Bahai Brainwashing Corporation (1)

A Larijani speaks regarding green movement and Baha'i cult (1)

A Widespread (1)

A BIG LIE of the Baha'i (1)

A Refutation of the Bahai Faith and Ahmadiyya

Did You Know

Who says the Baha'is don't teach in Israel

Baha'i activities at Lotus Temple - Conversion through fun and deception (1)

Kisaasi residents protest Bahais' blocking of road construction

Independent Investigation

Denouncing Women



Bab Debate


Muhammad The Last Prophet - Sayyed Muhammad Rizvi

Abdul Baha having good time with American Women

The finality of the prophethood of Muhammed (saw) in Islam

Abdul Baha having good time with American Women

Why & How was Bab Executed?

19 Myth

19 Lies

Imam Khomeini on Jews and Zionists

Do You Know?

Who was Bahaullah

The Bahai Truth

 Meet The NWO

 Bahai Contradictions amp False Prophecies part 1

 Bahai Contradictions amp False Prophecies part 2

 Bahai faith is a false religion amp My experience Part 1

 Bahai faith is a false religion amp My experience Part 2

 Bahai faith in Iran

 The Bahai Faith Agents of Zionism and New World Order Religion

 Bahai Contradictions amp False Prophecies part 1

 Bahaullah A False Prophet and Abdul Baha 39s Prophesies did they come true

 Former Bahai Reverts to Islam Talk on Tawheed

 Division among the followers of Bab and Baha 39u 39llah

 Our dance the long obligatory prayer dance for bahaulla 39s bday

 What they teach in Baha 39i Children Class

 The Bahai Faith - Agents of Zionism and New World Order Religion

 Response to 'Muslim Objections to the Baha'i Faith' (1)


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