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Is the investigation of truth of the innovations of Baha’ism?

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 22:49 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



The first teaching out of the twelve ones of Baha’ism is the investigation of truth which is considered as their innovations by Baha’is. As the Excellency Abbas Effendi writes in the book “Makatib”: “These teaching hadn’t been heard by anybody in Iran before the emergence of Bahaullah. Search it in order for you to be clarified.”

     It should be reminded that searching and curiosity for recognition of truth is of the dimensions of the human spirit and a part of his/her temperament which intrigues him/her to seek and search. Thus, nobody considers it as his/her innovation.

     Besides the holy Quran, the previous religions’ books have invited human being to seek truth; for instance, Ahmad Yazdani, A Baha’ author narrated from the book “Avesta” in the book “the spiritual principles”: O’ the righteous, listen by your own ears and see the nice nature. Then, men and women select their ways for themselves.”


     Also, it is written in the Bible: “Search for everything and resort to what is nice. Avoid every kind of wickedness.”

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Last modified on Thursday, 05 January 2017 13:43

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