Aren’t the Baha’is spies?!!

Monday, 01 May 2017 17:16 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Spy is a person who transfers each kind of information, whether ordinary, secret, top secret and etc., of a country to another one even these two countries live at peace. If this action is being done while two countries fight each other in different military, political and economic fronts, it will be considered as a great fault and treachery.

     One of duties of the Baha’is assigned by the universal house of justice is that Baha’is are bound to send and inform all their monthly functions such as prayer meetings, spiritual classes, reception and … or the people who have been proselytized. Generally speaking, they are bound to report each activity for the UHJ –which is located in Israel in written form?!!!

     Of course, the Baha’is try hard to send the reports to the local assemblies first, then to the national ones and next to the UHJ.

     This is the obvious proof for spying; additionally, Israel can control an expansive population.


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